
Who does not want to have snow-white teeth! This is an incredible find for me! A recipe for removing tartar in a few days!

By Lilias

It is worth doing these actions every 2-3 days, and after 10 days the result will be on the face, shepotom writes.

A wonderful snow-white smile and strong, healthy teeth are the dream of any person. But very often, due to an unbalanced diet, bad habits, the use of drugs, as well as due to genetic predisposition, we have problems with our teeth.

The most common problem is tartar and yellow enamel. By the way, before tartar is formed, the teeth acquire a yellowish shade. This is a sign of the accumulation of bacteria, which can also cause gingivitis, throat infections, etc.

To remove tartar at home, try this effective and economical method!


you will need:

salt – 0.5 teaspoon;

soda – 1 teaspoon;

hydrogen peroxide;


mouth rinse.

What must be done?

Mix soda and salt. Soak a toothbrush in water, then dip it in the prepared powder and brush your teeth for five minutes.

Combine peroxide and water in equal proportions and rinse your mouth with this liquid for a minute. After that, rinse your mouth with cool water

Finally, brush your teeth with a toothpick and dental floss and rinse with mouthwash. Rinse your mouth again with plain water.

Do not forget to repeat the procedure approximately once every three days, and after two weeks your teeth will be noticeably brighter, and the tartar will disappear!

It is recommended to consult a specialist regarding this recipe. By the way, despite the use of this method to get rid of tartar, no one canceled trips to the dentist! Try to visit this doctor once every six months!