
Don’t forget a charger on a prize without your phone: now you’ll find the 3 main reasons

By Lesia

Gauthier Certain things aren’t the habit of removing chargers from prizes after charging your electronic equipment.

Cependant, beaucoup I am not aware of the possible consequences of a habit.

How come you can leave the charger in the prize?

In the same way, there is a component inside the charger which continues to consume electricity. Although energy consumption is so easy, it exists all the time.

If you leave the charger branched in a prize, it causes it to be echauffed, which can accelerate the wear of its internal components, such as condensators.

In the event of a change in tension, the charger connected to the secteur can overheat and start smoking, which, in certain cases, may cause a fire.

It is equally important to keep your home safe, especially if you have young children or pets. A charger placed in a gift with a connected cord may present a risk of electrical shock.