
Prunelle vulgaire (Prunella Vulgaris) : The polyvalent lover of nature

By Lesia

The Prunelle vulgaire, commonly referred to as Auto-guérison, is a small, healthy medicinal plant. These lively plants, a healthy part of the family of the mind, are appreciated for their ability to guide and can be found in different environments such as forest leaves, hairy animals and large champs.

Self-Guérison Identification Self-guérison can be identified by its distinctive characteristics. On a straight hair, and at the bottom of each hair you will find a floral epi here, parfois with a dark brown or red color. The flowers of the plant vary in violet deep in clear lava.

They are tubes and two layers, with the upper layer being a deeper violet, forming a cap on the lower, clearer layer. The feuilles are oval or in spear shape with toothed edges, and the feuilles and tiges have small poils.

Edibles and traditional uses The leaves and bourgeons of flora of the Auto-guérison are edible, crus or cuits, and are often used in salads, smoothies or herbal teas. In traditional medicines, these plants are recommended for their soothing properties, particularly in chinoise medicines, which are useful for skin problems, eye inflammation and fissures.

European herbalists are favored for the guidance of blessures, both internal and external, as well as the various indigenous tribes of North America, useful for a large event, including respiratory conditions and skin irritations.

Aperçu delves into the medicinal properties and modern research on Prunella Vulgaris. In-depth medical properties Prunella Vulgaris, common for long-term use in traditional medicines, is the object of modern scientific research to validate and understand its properties. This research highlights the most important domains in which Self-Healing has the most powerful advantages: Healing of the wounds: Traditional evidence for the ability to heal the blessures, modern research so far hides, which means that Self-Healing can accelerate them Guérison process thanks to its astringent and antimicrobial properties. This is particularly noteworthy to help you look at the skin, the bruises and the skin ulcers.

Anti-inflammatory effects: The plant is rich in rosemary acid, which contributes to its anti-inflammatory properties. It hides the benefit for conditions such as throat swelling, amygdales inflammation and various conditions that cause inflammation of the skin.

Antioxidant activity: Prunella Vulgaris contains antioxidants which protect the cells from oxidative stress. This is particularly relevant to the skincare products, which can help you prevent damage caused by UV rays and possibly slow down the aging process.

Antimicrobial and antiviral properties: The plant is effective against certain bacteria and mushrooms. Furthermore, some studies indicate that they can inhibit the ability to bind viruses such as herpes simplex.

Potential anti-cancer activities: Preliminary research suggests that self-care can possess anti-cancer properties. Certain measures are taken into account that these extras can inhibit the propagation of certain cancerous cells, including cancer in the body and in the body. Accordingly, these details are preliminary and require no additional research.

Soutien à la santé digestive et respiratoire: The traditional uses for soulager the maux digestives and respiratoires are supported for their own expected light, aiding to dégager the mucus of the poumons and to apaiser the digestive problems.

Cardiovascular benefits: Previously emerging suggestions that self-care can have a positive impact on cardiac health by improving cardiac function and possibly preventing arterial damage.

Constituents of medicinal substance The medical benefits of self-care are attributed to its rich composition in bioactive compounds. The main constituents include: Tanins: Connus for their own astringents, useful in the healing of the wounds.
Rosmarinic acid: A powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent.
Flavonoids: Offers antioxidative and anti-inflammatory benefits.
Acids ursolique et oléanolique: Composés qui peuvent contribuer aux properties anti-cancer potentelles de la plant.
Modern and limited research Although these are so promising, it is crucial to understand that most of the research has been carried out in vitro or on animal models.
