
Did you know that you can prepare a healthy drink with this flower?

By Lilias

Hibiscus water is an infusion made with hibiscus flowers (Hibiscus sabdariffa), which is usually drunk in Mexico and tropical countries. It is a very refreshing drink, which also provides great benefits to our health. Let’s find out about them!

In Mexico, hibiscus flowers are called “Jamaica”, and the flower tea is called “Hibiscus water”. Hibiscus flowers are widely used in many countries (especially in tropical and subtropical countries, which is where it is distributed) for its beneficial effects.
Its benefits are known by many people who consume it in flower form or as an infusion.

Benefits of Hibiscus water

Hibiscus water is widely drunk for its flavor, for its freshness and for the benefits it provides to health:

It is a diuretic, since it increases the excretion of water through urination.
It is a laxative, since it helps relieve constipation. It works as a digestive supplement, since it improves the normal digestive process.
Hibiscus flower tea is rich in vitamin C (an antioxidant that protects the body from free radicals, decreasing the risk of heart disease and cancer).

It improves the immune system, which is why it is frequently drunk for colds.
It relieves menstrual cramps.
It normalizes high blood pressure.
It helps purify the arteries and kidneys, and lower cholesterol.
How to prepare the tea?
To prepare Hibiscus water you only need:

4 cups of water + 3 cups of cold water
1/2 cup dried Hibiscus flowers
1/2 cup sugar + amount to taste
1 lemon, thinly sliced

-Use a pot that does not stain, since the flowers stain everything that comes into contact with them.
-Boil 4 cups of water, then remove from heat and add the dried flowers and sugar.

Place a lid on the pot and let it sit for ten minutes, stirring once or twice to break up the sugar granules.
-Pour the infusion through a strainer into a pitcher or container.
-Add the 3 cups of cold water and sugar to taste.
-Let it cool completely and serve with lots of ice, in glasses garnished with a slice of lemon.

And now you can enjoy a refreshing and healthy Jamaica water!