
Goodbye pests and fungi in plants, with this ingredient they will not return

By Lilias

How to say goodbye to pests and fungi on plants once and for all? With this dedicated ingredient recommended by experts.

Ingredient in the plant

How to  permanently get rid of pests and fungi on plants ? Nurserymen in the sector advise avoiding, in any case, fertilizers that may contain chemical elements. These may not be suitable for plants and pollute the environment. In this regard, gardeners reveal their method and the optimal natural ingredient to  be able to achieve the goal.  What is this ingredient to use immediately? Let’s be clear.

Ingredient to eliminate pests and fungi in plants

There is only one ingredient that can help defeat pests and fungi on plants, and it is completely natural. Everyone knows the avocado as a fruit, with its creamy green flesh. Those who usually consume it, use only the pulp and remove its  large seed  in the center of the fruit. A spherical shape of great interest, which can also be planted in the garden to try to grow an avocado seedling.

Few people know that this great seed is essential for plants and to preserve them from the attack of pests or fungi. In general, the avocado seed has many antioxidant properties with essential amino acids in greater quantities than  within its pulp . It is an available natural remedy, often discarded. It is good for plants and the natural well-being of the skin, fighting free radicals as well as the inevitable aging of cells.

It is also a friend of blood circulation, reduces cholesterol and strengthens the immune system especially during the change of season.  Excellent antifungal and antibacterial , it helps to restore intestinal regularity and is a good fat burner.

Avocado seed for plants

It is also rich in fibre to increase the feeling of satiety, combating the nervous hunger that occurs during the day. An essential tonic that, when used on plants, becomes a direct pesticide and antifungal. It deeply nourishes the soil, thanks to its  richness in vitamins and minerals  that should not be underestimated.

How to use it?

To use it with plants, you need to store the avocado seed and wash it, then dry it thoroughly. Put it inside a container and then grate it thoroughly. You should have a  completely grated substance that is red in color.

Pests fungi and plants method

This will be placed directly on the  soil of plants that have been attacked by fungi and pests. Wet the soil well and let the grated core penetrate deeply. This is a completely natural method, recommended by nurserymen in the sector through their video tutorials.

However, it is recommended that in the  event of a pest or fungal attack on the plant, you seek the advice of a trusted nurseryman. This ingredient certainly helps to overcome these pests, but it is still good to always assess the situation of the plant in order to act in the best way.