
Don’t throw away cardboard rolls anymore, what you get from them is valuable if you do this

By Lesia

Reusing Cardboard Toilet Paper Rolls to Create Something Unique: Our Discovery for You

Cardboard rolls
There are many opportunities to recycle objects that seem to have no purpose once used. In the art of DIY, there may be times when you ‘need’ to use items that seem useless, but in reality will turn out to be incredibly valuable.

This is the case with some special cardboard rolls. We all use toilet paper in the bathroom every day. When it runs out, it is necessary to replace the roll. Once the paper is finished, only the cardboard roll remains.

It has a cylindrical shape and is created to serve as a support for toilet paper. The latter is in fact wrapped around this cardboard during the various stages of production.

Most people, once they run out of toilet paper, tend to throw away that cardboard roll without much effort and toss it in the waste paper bin.

What we want you to discover in our article, however, is incredible. We are going to show you a possible reuse of these boxes. The only thing you will have to do is to ‘preserve’ them and use them later to create something creative and unique.

Here’s what you can make from cardboard toilet paper rolls.

Cardboard rolls and the creation you can make
If you are handy with DIY and have some free time, then you can really treat yourself by coming up with more unique and innovative ideas. The one we propose in our article could really make your job easier in one particular regard. Which one? You just have to find out with us!

Cardboard rolls
The first items you will need are cardboard toilet paper rolls and old poplin fabric. Small pieces of fabric will also do, as long as they are large enough to completely ‘cover’ the various cardboard rolls you have carefully stored.

A ruler and a pair of scissors will allow you to measure the fabric you will need and cut it precisely and quickly.

Another element that will have to come into play at this stage will be the glue. It will be necessary, in fact, to completely cover the toilet paper cardboard with glue. In a second step, you will then wrap the previously cut fabric around it. The different fabrics can have varying colors and details, according to your taste!

Let’s find out what you will get at the end of this process and all the additional steps to achieve it. Here is everything you need to know about it.

The original idea!

The first steps to make something original have been mentioned. At the end of the whole process, you will get a beautiful object holder. In the different spaces, you will then be able to place pens, pencils, scissors, brushes and many accessories that will be useful to you at other times. Let’s find out how to complete this magnificent creation.

What to do with these rolls
The holder can vary in size, depending on how many boxes you have. They will then all need to be covered with the fabric and glued together.

In each of these ‘containers’ you can put all the small accessories you have at home. To give an even greater aesthetic touch to this handmade object holder, you can also cut out a piece of cardboard to create a base.

A cotton ribbon and jute thread will allow you to tie the different cardboards and the base together and personalize this incredible creation even more. The glue will still be the accessory that will be very useful in this regard.

We have seen the method to create an original object holder. However, with recycled toilet rolls you can also create many other ideas, such as a pen holder. You can let your imagination run wild and use these old cardboard boxes to make practical accessories for your home or office!