
Tips for a happy menopause

By Lilias

Menopause is an inevitable stage in a woman’s life, which marks the end of reproductive capacity after reaching the age of 40.

This phase tends to cause bad mood, dry skin, joint pain, urine leakage, loss of sexual interest.

When menopause occurs, menstrual periods may increase or decrease in intensity until they disappear completely. The body stops producing eggs and reduces the amount of hormones estrogen and progesterone, causing some of the symptoms of menopause.

Although it is a stage that the vast majority of women experience, the symptoms and their duration (up to five or more years) can vary in intensity from one woman to another. The process is finally completed by stopping producing periods for a year, entering “post-menopause.”

A natural process with cultural impact

Although it is a natural process of the body, mentally, the arrival of menopause can become synonymous with terror for some women. Those who obsess over the possible changes caused by menopause, which predisposes them to suffer from the symptoms with greater trauma.

Naturopathic doctor Jorge Reskala said that Asian women tend to deal with this process more calmly. This is because in Eastern culture, these changes do not represent a big problem nor are they a cause for alarm or of such importance, unlike in the West.

Food helps during menopause

In addition, Asian women tend to consume a diet rich in phytohormones, plant-based hormones that help regulate physiological phenomena. These are found in foods such as tofu and soy, thus contributing to a more natural and relaxed transition.

Dr. Reskala explained that the presence or absence of certain foods can help women better cope with the symptoms of menopause, such as:

Soy and olives help with menopause:

Both contain high levels of phytohormones, and you can eat them at any age, benefiting your body by avoiding the discomfort of menstrual cramps.


This mineral can be found in various foods, such as dark chocolate and corn tortillas. Its consumption helps the liver and metabolic processes in general function properly.

Essential carbohydrates and dairy products during menopause:

After the onset of menopause, it is best to avoid the consumption of these components, especially those that acidify our body. Because during this stage there is a significant increase in the acidic pH of women, it is better to avoid contributing to the acid load in the body. The expert also rules out the use of synthetic hormones, since they damage the physiological system, so medical supervision is recommended for their intake. Instead, he recommends doing exercises that do not impact the joints, such as swimming or walking.