
Mix honey and aspirin and apply it on your face for 10 minutes: After three hours look in the mirror… Miracle

By Lilias

Aspirin is a medicine composed of acetic and salicylic acids and has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic properties. Here we show you how to use it.

We all know aspirin as a painkiller that we use when we suffer from headaches, but what many people don’t know is that aspirin is used for many cosmetic treatments, and also has great results for the skin. In fact, there are many cosmetics on the market that are sold with this ingredient.

Here we present a natural, homemade facial peel that will help you lighten skin blemishes and reduce scars and acne. Aspirin is generally used to reduce headaches, but it can also be used for aesthetic treatments that leave surprising results on the skin.

The ingredient that aspirin contains is called beta-hydroxy acid, this is a fat-soluble ingredient that many exfoliants and products to lighten spots have, it also helps to renew the skin or even out the tone and eliminate dead cells. In addition to all these benefits, it is a natural anti-inflammatory.

Before doing a facial peel, you should take into account a couple of points:

-This type of peeling is best done at night, because it is a very strong treatment.

-If the person who is going to do it has very sensitive skin, it is recommended that they apply a small amount of the mixture to their skin to see how they react and thus avoid an allergic reaction.

-It is recommended that you apply sunscreen the day after the peeling, because the skin will be much more sensitive.

Homemade peeling with aspirin 

Ingredients to be used:

-Five aspirins

-Two tablespoons of honey

-A spoonful of natural yogurt


All the ingredients must be mixed very well until the mixture has a creamy and thick consistency.


You should wash your face with plenty of cold water. Once your face is washed, use a small cloth and wet it with hot water and then place it in the microwave for 30 seconds. Remove the cloth from the microwave and place it on your face for about 10 minutes so that the pores open properly and the mask penetrates the skin as much as possible.

Once the face is completely dry, apply this mask and leave it on for half an hour. After half an hour, rinse with plain water, and finally apply a little moisturiser.

This treatment is one of the most beneficial for the skin, because it leaves the face clean, very soft and without impurities. This treatment cannot be repeated very often, it is recommended to wait 15 days before doing it again.