
Don’t throw away tuna cans, they are worth gold at home: how to reuse them

By Lilias

Don’t throw away tuna cans: did you know they are worth gold in the house? There is a really super simple technique that will change your life. Here’s how to reuse them in a smart way.

How many times have you found yourself throwing away dozens of  cans of tuna  ? Wait until next time. We’ll tell you how to reuse them:  they are really beautiful for your home.

Tuna cans: why you shouldn’t throw them away

The  tone  is for the foodstuffs consumed by Italians and non-solo. This fish, rich in  Omega 3 grass acids , recommended by the nutritionists, is a touchstone for the organism. What are the best comforts for our body by simply acquiring  practical equipment  and allowing us to consume  fast and healthy grass ?

 Ogni giorno,  milioni di Italiani acquistano tonno in scatola  facendone scorte anche piuttosto consistenti da mettere in dispensa. Dopo aver consume this food, the first thing that also your sicuramente farai è quella di  gettare la scatola di latta che conteneva il tonno.

Be careful when doing that next time. Do you know that you could  reuse it cleverly  ?  Empty tuna cans  are a  valuable resource for your home  . Wondering how they can be useful? We’ll tell you right away. Keep reading so you don’t miss some super cute and super useful ideas.

How to reuse empty tuna cans

Every day we find ourselves throwing away many  empty tuna cans  . On the other hand, you must be thinking:  why shouldn’t I do this?  What can they do for me? Nothing, the answer of many. In fact, we tell you that  they can become a truly valuable asset for your home.

 Do you know how you could use them intelligently  ? We will tell you right away. So wait before you throw them away. The  ideas  we will give you in a moment will leave you speechless.

First of all, did you know that  you can make flower pots out of empty tuna cans  ? Yes, you read that right. The process is pretty simple too. You’ll just need some  clothespins  to make your jar even cuter.

Obviously, you’ll need  small plants like succulents or miniature cacti  that will fit perfectly into the tuna can. Clip the clothespins around the can and voila, you have a gorgeous jar!

But with tuna cans you can also make nice  candle holders  . The procedure is the same as for jars, so you will have to use  the clothespins  that you will place inside the empty can, then insert a candle by placing it inside a glass so that the flame does not damage either the can or the wood. some clothespins.

Did you know that  empty tuna cans can also be useful in the kitchen  ? Thanks to their small but perfect size, they can be used as  moulds for single-serving flans  or for making delicious desserts. However, always wash them well before using them and remove any outer wrapping. You can also use them as  pudding moulds.

What if we told you that you can also make curious and cute crafts for children  with cans? An idea?  A rattle  to hang in the crib or even outside the doors!

Get lots of empty cans that you will wash and  decorate as you wish  . Cut them up and thread them through  a hemp thread or a strong rope  and hang them on a stand that you will then place wherever you prefer:  the rustling of the wind will make them touch and play.

And if you are even more skilled and experienced with manual work,  you can also use tuna cans to make a wall clock.  In this case, you will also need  a manual mechanism that you will place, after having carefully drilled where necessary, into the empty can. So, see how many good ideas you can make by simply leaving empty tuna cans  aside   ?