
Bathrooms stay clean and smell fresh when you flush this powder down the toilet.

By Lilias

Cleaning the bathroom can be a tiring and tedious task. But to preserve impeccable hygiene, you can’t escape it. However, this cleaning ritual doesn’t have to be strenuous. Fortunately, there are many ways to tackle the task without too much effort. You tend to underestimate them, but some natural ingredients can save you invaluable time.

Discover some simple, effective and inexpensive tips to make your bathroom shine and deodorize!

Make way for alternative remedies for cleaning your bathroom!

We all tend to dread cleaning the bathroom, or even put off the task. But, as this room is the most frequented by members of the household, its hygiene must be impeccable. No more exhaustion trying to get through the task! If you want to reduce the effort, and at the same time limit the cost of household products, we are going to reveal to you a panoply of ingredients capable of eradicating the accumulated dirt in your bathroom in the blink of an eye. As a bonus, these are ecological and economical solutions, most of which are already in your pantry.

Read also:  Do ​​you flush toilet paper rolls and sanitary pads down the toilet? It’s a big mistake

– Baking soda, a powerful cleaning agent

baking soda 8

With its remarkable stain-removing, bleaching and deodorizing properties, you can rely on baking soda to disinfect the entire room.

These are the steps to follow to apply it effectively:

  • In a jar or container, mix about 125 g of baking soda and 40 g of table salt. Do not add water at this stage.
  • Next, pour a few drops of essential oil with the scent of your choice (mint, fir, lemon, etc.).
  • Then, put on disposable gloves and use a slightly damp cloth.
  • Now it’s time to start cleaning all the surfaces in the bathroom: sprinkle a little of your mixture on the sink, bathtub, faucets and tiles. Spread it carefully with the damp cloth (if you notice any stubborn stains, you’ll need to scrub them with a brush).
  • You will quickly notice the cleaning action of the simple mixture of baking soda and salt, which will be just as effective as that of conventional chemical products. Not only will you respect the environment, but you will also save money!
  • Finally, pour the remaining powder directly into the toilet bowl. This is a good way to clean and disinfect it. As a bonus, thanks to the delicate aroma of the essential oil, you will perfume the place and the whole bathroom will smell good!

– White vinegar, the versatile ally of the home

Por su parte, el vinagre blanco también es reconocido por sus propiedades limpiadoras y desinfectantes. Por motivos de higiene y seguridad, ya que hay que desinfectar el baño periódicamente, el vinagre es el producto ideal para evitar la propagación de microorganismos nocivos. Además, es mucho menos costoso y más ecológico que los artículos domésticos comerciales. En la medida en que estos productos son contaminantes, y en ocasiones incluso nocivos para la salud, siempre es más juicioso aplicar alternativas naturales para la limpieza. Así, gracias al  vinagre blanco , obtendrás resultados muy satisfactorios con total seguridad. ¿Cómo usarlo para mantener tu inodoro blanco, limpio y libre de patógenos?

Este es el procedimiento a seguir:

  • Simplemente viértalo generosamente sobre toda la superficie del recipiente.
  • Dejar actuar de 15 a 20 minutos.
  • Luego frote bien con un cepillo y enjuague. ¡Limpieza y brillo garantizados!

Descalcificadores caseros para el baño

A la hora de eliminar la cal  y los depósitos calcáreos acumulados en el baño, existen varias opciones eficaces, que van desde los remedios químicos hasta los remedios naturales, más o menos rápidos.

Aquí hay algunos:

– Vinagre blanco y limón

Estos dos desinfectantes naturales forman un dúo ingenioso ya que la acidez que contienen eliminará rápidamente las manchas de cal, dejando una delicada neblina alimonada. Mezcla 125 ml de vinagre blanco y jugo de limón. Frote las manchas con una esponja y enjuague con agua.

– Vinagre blanco y bicarbonato de sodio

Esta es una mezcla poderosa que hará que la invasión de escala incrustada en las diversas superficies del baño sea un trabajo rápido. Mezcla 1 taza de vinagre y 3 cucharadas de bicarbonato de sodio. Verter la solución sobre las manchas de cal y dejar actuar durante 30 minutos. Frote con cuidado. Para un efecto óptimo, espere otros 15 minutos y frote nuevamente antes de enjuagar. ¡Las superficies quedarán relucientes!

– Agua, vinagre blanco y bórax

El bórax es un conocido producto multiusos para la limpieza de diversas superficies y elementos del hogar. Puedes encontrarlo fácilmente en las farmacias. Combinado con vinagre, le dará más brillo al baño. Primero vierte el vinagre sobre las zonas descamadas y déjalo actuar durante 20 minutos. Luego frote con un cepillo y agregue el bórax. Dejar otros 15 minutos y verter un litro de agua caliente.

– Bicarbonato de sodio y peróxido de hidrógeno

Simplemente mezcle los dos ingredientes (aproximadamente 100 g de bicarbonato de sodio y 2 cucharadas de agua oxigenada) para formar una pasta muy efectiva para aplicar sobre las manchas. Frote suavemente y espere 20 minutos antes de enjuagar con agua.

– Bicarbonato de sodio, limón y vinagre

baking soda and vinegar

We finish with this remarkable trio that will eradicate all traces of scale and limescale: mix all the ingredients (half a glass of baking soda, the same amount of lemon juice and half of vinegar). Pour hot water into the bottom of the toilet bowl and apply the mixture to the walls with gloves. Leave it to act for 2 hours (even overnight), scrub with a brush and then rinse with water. Your toilets will never have been so white and shiny!

How to clean bathroom wall tiles?

In addition to the usual dirt, bathroom tiles also accumulate traces of lime, soap or mold. Therefore, cleaning is not easy! Rest assured, we are going to reveal to you the star remedy for home cleaning. Thanks to this mixture, you will be able to clean your bathroom like a true professional.

Read also: Put a clove of garlic in the toilet before going to sleep, you won’t regret it

These are the steps to follow:

  • Mix equal parts baking soda and white vinegar in a container: a “normal” chemical reaction will occur (it will generate vapors, so avoid putting it in a closed plastic bottle, as it can explode and be dangerous).
  • Apply the mixture gradually over the entire surface of the tile. Leave it to act for 10 to 15 minutes. Then, remove the remaining residue with a damp cloth.
  • Then, dry the tiles with another clean, dry cloth. And that’s it! Your tiles will look brand new!

Read also:  Why should you flush soap down the toilet?