
Grandma’s Favorite Blood Purifier and Blood Pressure Lowering Cure!

By Lesia

Having a strong immune system is crucial because it protects us all year round from viruses and bacteria. Before we introduce you to the recipe, we would like to share five tips for a robust immune system.

Tips for a Strong Immune System
A balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, including broccoli, cabbage, garlic, tomatoes, carrots, spinach, citrus fruits, nuts, dark berries, and grapes. Eat the rainbow!

Vitamin D is essential for a strong immune system. Many people suffer from a vitamin deficiency in the winter, so it may be wise to use dietary supplements.

Exercise strengthens the heart and blood vessels, as well as the immune system. Endurance sports such as running, swimming and cycling are ideal. However, do not overdo it as this can have the opposite effect. Start slowly…

Avoid stress as much as possible, because strong and persistent stress weakens the immune system and provides optimal conditions for pathogens to multiply. So, it is better to slow down before it is too late.

Make sure you get enough sleep. Those who are well rested are less susceptible to infections and colds. Too little sleep leads to a reduction in defense cells and a weakened immune system.

To stay safe from colds in winter and get an extra dose of vitamins, we like to drink a ginger shot. But it does not always have to be as spicy as in our recipe for pink ginger shot. This delicious immunity-boosting juice is tasty thanks to apples and oranges and will surely do you good. Ginger is also added to this juice, and beetroot makes it beautifully pink. So get to your juicer and treat yourself to something good!

Ingredients for 750 ml:
2 oranges
3 apples
1 beetroot
30 g fresh ginger
Both oranges should be peeled and quartered. Core the apples and cut into large cubes. Wash the beetroot well and peel the ginger. Then add all ingredients gradually to a juicer and squeeze. It is best to enjoy the juice fresh and cold with a few ice cubes.

Alternatively, all ingredients can be finely pureed in a blender at the highest setting. Then strain the juice through a fine sieve or nut milk bag to filter out the plant fibers. This way you can also get fresh juice without a juicer!