
Say goodbye to the tedious job of cleaning your oven!

By Lesia

Using aluminum foil: An Eco-friendly and Efficient Solution:
Many housewives use their ovens on a daily basis to cook delicacies, however, cleaning afterwards can be quite a challenge. The buildup of grease and burnt residue can make you put off cleaning until the inside of the oven is so unpleasant that cooking in it is uncomfortable. Before resorting to harsh chemicals, try a much more environmentally friendly and simple method: cleaning with aluminum foil. Here are two ways to achieve it.
First Way: Aluminum Foil Method:

  1. Remove the racks, trays and all accessories from the oven.
  2. Dampen a cloth or sponge in hot water with a little dish detergent, wring it out and wipe the inside of the oven so that the walls and glass are completely wet.
  3. Next, spread a sheet of aluminum foil on the walls, bottom, and glass of the oven. The aluminum will stick to the water immediately.
  4. Close the oven door and wait 2 hours, without turning it on.
  5. After this time, remove the aluminum foil, ball it up, and use it to remove any remaining residue. Finally, use a damp and dry sponge to clean the inside of the oven.
    Second Way: Dishwasher Tablet Method:
  6. You will need a dishwasher tablet, hot water, and protective gloves.
  7. Place the tablet in a bowl, add hot water, and mix it with a spoon until it partially dissolves.
  8. Wearing protective gloves, dip a sponge in this mixture and wipe the oven glass, racks, and interior. Make sure to saturate the stains.
  9. Cover the inside of the oven with aluminum foil and let it sit for 2 hours.
  10. Remove the foil, ball it up, and use the shape of the foil to clean hard-to-reach corners.
  11. Use a damp sponge to remove any residue.
    Tips to Prevent Oven Dirt:
    Completely preventing oven dirt can be difficult, but you can reduce it by following these tips:
    1- Clean the oven after each use.
    2- If you cook frequently, do a thorough cleaning at least once a week.
    An Extra Tip for Effortless Cleaning:
    In addition to the foil method, here’s an extra tip to make cleaning your oven easier: use the self-cleaning function with a dishwasher tablet. Your oven will shine like new and be ready to prepare delicious dishes! With these tricks, cleaning your oven will no longer be a dreaded task. Good luck!