
This is a real “tea from God”, because it treats arthritis, lupus, dizziness, thyroid gland and chronic fatigue.

By Lilias

A few decades ago, our grandparents did not go to doctors. They didn’t think it was necessary, since everyone could heal themselves. They knew that nature provides everything necessary for health.  If you are over 30 or 40 years old, you must drink the famous fig oil syrup with coffee. Another effective remedy is thyme tea. Today, with technology and science, medicine and many natural remedies have developed, and have ceased to be so popular. Even if modern medicine has advanced, this does not mean that natural remedies have lost their healing properties. In fact, many people today continue to use natural recipes and enjoy their benefits. Today we will talk about the benefits of one very effective natural remedy. Thyme   is a medicinal plant that still retains its popularity. It fights with such diseases as arthritis, vertigo, lupus, fibromyalgia, thyroid gland, chronic fatigue, hyperthyroidism, etc. One of the great things about thyme is that it’s easy to buy, and you can even plant it at home and grow it yourself. Thyme is rich in calcium, iron, and potassium, as well as many other nutrients that are essential for good health. Using it, we can regulate blood pressure and also increase the production of red blood cells in the blood. In addition, thyme effectively fights bronchitis, asthma, laryngitis, sore throat and many other health problems. We will need: – Dry and fresh thyme (1 handful) – Mineral water (1 glass) Method of preparation and use: Thoroughly clean thyme leaves from dirt, add them to mineral water and put on fire. When it boils, remove from heat and let the mixture cool. When the tincture reaches room temperature, drink it twice a day: the first time on an empty stomach, the second time – before going to bed. These simple steps will help us take advantage of all the benefits of thyme. If you feel that the infusion has a strong taste, you can add a little honey, which will make it more pleasant. Drink thyme tea until you feel better. You will soon notice its results. But we must note that our opinion should not replace the doctor’s opinion. If the disease is serious or advanced, be sure to consult a doctor. If you don’t have thyme at home, buy it as soon as possible. Do not waste time, prepare this amazing tea for good health today.