
Pour Baking Soda on Plant: Baking Soda Uses for Garden

By Lilias

Baking soda is a key natural ingredient for green cleaning. But among its many uses as a sanitizer and degreaser, as well as being widely used in the kitchen as a natural leavening agent, it can also be a valid ally in the garden. In fact, it is not only useful for keeping insects away, but also for cleaning old terracotta pots. Let’s see how to do it.

To keep aphids away

If our plant is infested with aphids, take a litre of water, dissolve a tablespoon of bicarbonate in it and let it dissolve. Then we spray the infested soil with this mixture and repeat after two weeks. But be careful not to directly wet the leaves or roots of the plant!

for weeds

If there are annoying weeds between the garden tiles, this is how we can get rid of them. We take a good spoonful of baking soda and we pour it on the seedlings. In a few days they will disappear! For ants If, on the other hand, we notice a constant coming and going of ants near the windows or doors of the house, we can prepare a powder based on sugar and baking soda. We will mix them and then go over the affected area. While sugar attracts ants, baking soda is toxic to them, so it will keep them away.

To clean pots

If you have stained, aged and yellowed terracotta pots in your garden, you can restore their vigour with a paste of citric acid, bicarbonate and cornstarch. Mix the ingredients in a bowl and mix everything with a little water. Then, take it with a cloth and wipe it over where the vase needs it most, scraping its surface. In no time, you will have vases that look like new.

As an anti-mold

If the leaves of our plants are covered in mould, we can use a solution of water and baking soda to counteract it. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and then spray it on the leaves so that the baking soda acts without harming the plant.