
The plant of youth restores collagen to the skin, reduces blood pressure, cholesterol and antioxidants

By Lilias

Nettle has powerful properties that act directly on our blood, thus offering us great health benefits. This wild plant that grows in humid areas is a plant rich in vitamins and minerals. It is used for anemia, to reduce the effects of stress on our body, and for diseases related to excess uric acid such as gout. They call it the plant of eternal youth, because it cures, regenerates and nourishes your cells from head to toe.

They call it the herb of eternal youth because it cures, regenerates and nourishes your cells from head to toe. One of the most important health benefits of nettle is that it helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.

In addition, it stimulates the digestive system, accelerates metabolism and increases intestinal motility. Thanks to its high chlorophyll content, it improves blood circulation and prevents the formation of atherosclerosis spots on the walls of the arteries.

It also helps to eliminate fluids, toxins and waste products that accumulate in the body. Nettle can be used:

-Stimulates the digestive system: protects the liver, promotes bile production, stimulates digestion

-Stops diarrhea

-Prevents uncontrolled bleeding and hemorrhages: against nosebleeds, hemophilia and menopause

  • In the treatment of atherosclerosis
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Fights diabetes
  • Anemia
  • Increases your baby’s milk flow
  • Enlarged prostate
  • Diseases associated with excess uric acid: kidney stones, gout, gout, osteoarthritis, gout…etc.

Reduction of depressive episodes and impotence in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Green nettle for external use:

In skin care (prevents spots such as acne, eczema, herpes and pimples)
– Regenerates the scalp and fights hair-related problems such as dandruff, seborrhea and hair loss
-To relieve sciatica. –Interesting links–


-3 teaspoons of dried nettle leaves
– half a liter of water


-Bring the water to a boil, put the nettle leaves in a teapot, pour boiling water over the nettle leaves and put the lid on.
-Leave for 10 minutes, strain and drink, additionally drinking the green nettle liquid, make a nettle drink or nettle leaf juice, for this process 2 cups of fresh nettle leaves with 3 cups of water Use a blender, strain and enjoy this nutritious green nettle juice.

You may not know about all these benefits that we have mentioned here, but with this powerful plant, you can also benefit from it.