
Why do gardeners put a clove of garlic on orchids? Mystery revealed

By Lilias

If you think that garlic can only be used in cooking, you are wrong. In fact, thanks to its numerous properties it can also be useful in gardening, in fact, if you put a single clove of garlic on orchids you will get a truly miraculous result: let’s find out more. Garlic is a product with many properties, and for this reason, it can help us in gardening. Not everyone knows that this fantastic food can give us really great results in our plants, especially in  orchids.  They are plants of extraordinary beauty, in fact, they give the environment in which they are found a touch of elegance and refinement. But not everyone knows that thanks to a  clove of garlic  you will make them grow better.

Healthy and lush orchids: this is how to achieve it

Orchids are of tropical origin and therefore easily adapt to any environment, except in places that are too cold or too hot. In fact, they prefer  mild temperatures,  therefore from 18 to 28 degrees. Their aerial roots make them special but at the same time they are useful for their nutrition, since that is where they absorb all the nutrients.

They are often found in homes or offices, as they give the place where they are located a touch of elegance and refinement. They also come in different colors. Growing them is not difficult, but some  precautions must be taken  for their growth.

For example, it would be better to place them on a windowsill, near a window, this way the sun’s rays will not directly hit our orchids. As for their nutrition, they should be watered  several times a day,  especially in spring and summer.

It is necessary to check its soil very often, in fact, if it is dry you will have to water it immediately, but it is not necessary if it is still wet. This operation would be best done in  the morning.  These are just small precautions that are necessary for the health of the plant.

In fact, there would be another one too. It is a completely natural remedy. You will only need a  clove of garlic.  This food should not only be used in cooking, but also in gardening, in fact, thanks to its antibacterial properties it can be very useful for our orchids: let’s see how.

 Garlic clove on orchids – that’s what it’s for

To promote the growth and proper development of the plant, it is necessary to put into practice a simple natural remedy. You will need to make  a garlic infusion.  The reason? Due to its antibacterial action and its smell, you can eliminate any type of parasite.

Preparing it is very simple and quick. You will only need a 2-litre bottle and 4 clean garlic cloves cut in half. First, fill the bottle and pour in the garlic. Let the infusion sit for at least a day.

As soon as it is ready, you can use it to water your orchids. You will immediately notice great improvements and  there will no longer be any trace of any parasites left.