
Half a cup of this in the morning and goodbye to bone pain, nerve cartilage, depression, stress, insomnia and more

By Lilias

The therapeutic properties of magnesium chloride date back some years, one of its qualities is that it helps restore natural balance and stimulates the correct functioning of all organs, positively affects the kidneys helping to eliminate uric acid from the body.

In addition, it can restore damaged joint tissue, cleanse the skin, stimulate the brain, renew the entire body and help preserve youth.

This natural food supplement is not addictive; the best way to consume magnesium chloride is in a form dissolved in water. It is not recommended to buy capsules since they are more expensive and are not as effective as magnesium chloride flakes.

This mineral is excellent for health and works in the body in several positive ways:

It relaxes the nerves
It protects against respiratory system diseases
It treats central nervous system diseases
It counteracts cancer
It improves digestion
It relieves menstrual pain

It normalizes cholesterol levels
It prevents prostate problems, it regulates blood sugar levels.
How to Take Advantage of Magnesium Chloride?
Step 1. Boil 1 liter of water and when it is cold, pour it into a glass container

Step 2. Then dilute 30 grams of crystallized magnesium chloride, stir well and place a lid on the container to keep the mixture longer.

Step 3. The dose varies according to age; From 10 to 40 years old, half a cup in the morning, from 41 to 70 years old, one cup in the morning, and over 70 years old, one cup in the morning and another at night. The use of this mineral is not recommended for children under 10 years old.

It is very important not to exceed these doses since it has been shown that they are essential for the body and that this mineral works on the difficulties that each person and each body may have.