
18 Fast-Growing Fall Vegetables to Plant in Containers

By Lesia

Of course, it is quite possible to continue growing vegetables in the fall, you will just have to adapt to a more capricious climate and using containers can help you!

Today I propose you to discover 18 fast-growing fall vegetables to plant in containers for a bountiful harvest in a limited space.

1) Beets
You can grow beets in late summer and early fall for harvest in late fall and early winter. If you live in a temperate climate, continue growing them in winter as well. Not only the roots, beet greens are also edible and tasty.

2) Green Kale
Kale planted in the fall is tastier than the spring harvest. You can start planting this vegetable after summer in early to mid-fall up to 6 to 8 weeks before the expected date of the first frost in your area.

3) Green Beans
You can have a bountiful harvest of green beans planted in the fall. For fall planting, select types of beans that produce early in 60 to 80 days, unless you live in a frost-free zone. Dwarf bean varieties are well suited for this.

4) Green Onions
Not just in the fall, you can grow green onions continuously, all year round. Since you harvest them early, they are ready in about 3 to 4 weeks when planted from onion seedlings. The mild flavor makes it a great addition to soups, pastas, salads, omelets, and stews.

5) Lettuce
Whether you’re talking about flavor or vitamin content, lettuce grown on site beats store-bought lettuce every day. Being a cool-season crop, it can easily grow in the fall. Plant it at least eight weeks before frost for fall lettuce. It can tolerate a light frost, too!

6) Kohlrabi
It is a descendant of wild cabbage and belongs to the same species as kale and cabbage with a taste similar to turnip. If you are looking for a fall crop, sow the seeds in mid-summer or late summer, in July or August. In a warm climate, you can also grow it in winter.

7) Peas
Timing is most crucial if you are looking to have a fall crop for peas. Give peas 8-12 weeks before the first frost, mid-to-late summer should be a good time.

8) Radishes
This root vegetable is easy to grow, and can be planted in spring and fall. The right time to sow seeds for fall planting is at least 4-6 weeks before the first fall frost. Radishes tend to bolt in warm climates, so be sure to plant them in moderate temperature ranges.

9) Arugula
This salad green is part of the mustard family, so it has a peppery flavor. For a fall harvest, plant it in late summer and early fall. Arugula grows quickly and is ready to pick in just 4 to 6 weeks.

10) Bok Choi
Belonging to the cabbage family, bok choy is also known as Pak Choy. It is a cool-weather crop and can be planted in mid- to late summer and early fall. Baby bok choy will be ready to harvest in 30 days, while large varieties take 4 to 6 weeks. It is nutrient-dense and is a perfect addition to any low-calorie diet.

11) Carrots
You can get an idea of ​​planting carrots for fall harvest by the average date of the first frost in your area. Carrots take 10 to 12 weeks to grow, so give them that much time. You can have radishes with carrots in a large container or raised bed because radishes can be removed earlier, even before the carrots mature.

12) Mustard Greens
You’ll get a slightly peppery and slightly sweeter flavor from tender mustard greens when planted in the fall. One of the best fall vegetables to plant in containers, it can tolerate light frosts, but not as cold hardy as spinach and kale. You’ll be surprised if it can overwinter if you provide a warm microclimate in the cold winter. If you live in a temperate climate, continue growing mustard greens in winter with ease.

13) Spinach
Plant spinach seeds in late summer in August. You can also do this as late as September for late fall and winter harvests. Since you’ll be growing spinach in pots, you can keep it indoors in the winter on a windowsill or in a cold setting and wait out the cold days and get an early, mid-spring harvest again.

14) Kale
During the fall harvest, kale offers a unique sweet and nutty flavor, because when the leaves mature in the cold, they are sweeter. Plant it about 6-8 weeks before the first frost for the best harvest.