
The genius trick to thoroughly clean the toilet: bacteria and bad smells disappear

By Lilias

Unpleasant odors in the toilet bowl can be difficult to remove. To help you get rid of bad smells and keep your toilet clean and healthy, we have some tips and tricks for you. Find out how to remove bad odors from the toilet bowl to find a healthy and fresh interior.

How to get rid of bad smells from the toilet bowl?

Every room in the house can give off bad smells    , and without exception! Everyday habits, kitchen smells determine the smell inside you. However, the two places in the house where bad smells are most concentrated are: the toilet and the bathroom. Here are our tips to eliminate bad smells from the bathroom.

The toothpaste trick

A tube of toothpaste

Nothing could be easier! You only need a simple tube of toothpaste to give your toilet a fresh look. Gone are the days when you had to buy expensive household products and spend the whole day scrubbing the tiles… The solution is right there, under your nose: a little of that good toothpaste will be more than enough!
No need to waste your money on chemicals that are harmful to you and the environment, just put some menthol-flavored toothpaste in the water tank. And voila!
How to do it? Pierce your toothpaste with a thumbtack (you can make about ten holes)

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pierce the toothpaste tube

The match trick

It’s grandma’s surefire way to get rid of stubborn odours. All you have to do is light a match in the toilet bowl. Thanks to the sulphur that will be released, bad odours will magically dissipate in no time! Always keep a box of matches handy and enjoy a softer, more pleasant atmosphere!

Thanks to this trick, you won’t have to buy air fresheners and you’ll never leave unpleasant odors in the toilet.

How to prevent unpleasant odors from rising in bathrooms?

Pour vinegar

Vinegar   is a natural ingredient that is ideal for carrying out various cleaning tasks in your home. It can also be used to eliminate bad odours. Thus, thanks to its sterilising action, vinegar will not only thoroughly clean your toilet and bathroom, but will also prevent the formation of odours.
Mix vinegar with water and put it in a spray bottle (1/3 vinegar and 2/3 water) to apply to the affected surfaces, then wipe with a damp cloth.

Vinegar neutralizes odors and prevents mold from forming. You can also fill a cup with vinegar and pour it into the container and let it sit.

Additionally, you can make an air freshener by mixing two cups of water, one teaspoon of white vinegar, one teaspoon of baking soda, and ten drops of your favorite essential oil.

Place lemon slices

Lemon is another star product that can help neutralize bad odors and keep the bathroom fresh. The method is very simple: place a few slices of lemon in a corner of the bathroom. Another effective trick is to scrub the entire bathroom with a mixture of water and lemon after cleaning it with your usual detergent.

How to get rid of the smell of urine in the toilet?

Baking soda :

You can apply this trick anywhere in your home, it is also ideal for the bathroom to mask the smell of urine.

You will need:

  • a glass jar
  • baking soda
  • 3 to 5 teeth
  • A piece of tulle or similar fabric

Fill the jar halfway with baking soda, optionally add cloves and essential oil.

Pour the mixture onto a piece of tulle or similar fabric and secure it with a bandage or ribbon (for a more decorative touch). Finally, place it in the toilet.

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This method will absorb all types of odors in your bathroom and mask the smell of urine.

The laundry

Another very effective and simple trick is the laundry trick.  Just pour a spoonful of this product into the cistern. This way, every time you flush the toilet, its aroma will be released and the whole bathroom will enjoy a very pleasant smell.

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