
Very few people know this trick to make Anthurium bloom

By Lilias

To make Anthurium bloom, just rely on this quick and easy method: in no time your plant will produce many flowers.

Having flowers and plants at home is undoubtedly one of the best ways to bring life to all the rooms in our home.  The colour, aroma and elegance that some flowers can confer  are essential for all those who love to surround themselves with nature and greenery. However, as anyone who has flowers at home knows, flowers and plants must be taken care of if we really want to guarantee health and long life to our green friends.  Only with proper maintenance will growth be lush and flowering constant  . However, it may happen that even with due care the plant does not flower as expected.

To make Anthurium bloom, focus on this remedy: trying is believing

This is why  many people who have an Anthurium at home  look for solutions to make the plant bloom and fully enjoy its beauty.

It is certainly no coincidence that Anthurium is considered one of the best plants to have in an apartment, especially because of its wonderful flowering.

Although there are various solutions on the market to restore the flowering of the plant, the advice is always to rely on some  natural and organic remedy  so as not to impact the environment and also save a non-trivial amount.

The solution we are going to prepare is based on two very common ingredients in the kitchen.  The first necessary element is garlic  , which  is not the first time we have talked about it.

The second ingredient we need to use to prepare this solution is a potato.  We cut it into wedges  (it is not necessary to peel it) and put it in the blender together with the garlic that we have chopped.

We also pour half a litre of water into the blender and turn on the appliance. When we have obtained a very thick liquid, we turn off the blender and  pour the substance into another container  , obviously filtering everything with a strainer.

Inside this container  we add another half liter of water  , to have the remedy complete and ready to apply on the Anthurium.

In order for watering with this solution to take place in the best possible way, it is best to pour the entire preparation into a watering can.

A simple watering is enough to make your beloved plant bloom again.

Once this step is completed, we will finally guarantee our plant the food it needs to flourish as before.

We place the Anthurium pot inside a larger container  and begin to pour the solution onto the soil of our plant. We must proceed with care so as not to damage our splendid green friend.

After having moistened the soil of the plant well, we can move on to the next step, that is,  spraying the Anthurium  . All you have to do is put a little of the solution we have prepared into a spray bottle.

We close the atomizer tightly and begin to spray the remedy  on the leaves of the plant  , so that the Anthurium not only receives the necessary food but also excellent protection against parasites.