
Add Lemon Juice When Preparing Eggs

By Lesia

Apart from enhancing the flavor of your meals and adding a hint of acidity to your dishes, lemon can become a valuable asset in your culinary endeavors. Explore this frequently underrated technique involving lemon.

Why Add a Slice of Lemon to Egg Boiling Water?

While lemon is commonly recognized as a perfect citrus fruit for drinks or creating exceptional recipes, it can also help you tackle a difficult and laborious challenge, namely peeling eggs.

After boiling the eggs for about ten minutes in simmering water, the next step is to peel them and remove the shell. While some membranes can be easily removed, others can present challenges in terms of opening or detaching.

Peeling them can sometimes be difficult, resulting in a potential loss of white during the process.

How to use this egg peeling hack?
To start, cut a lemon in half and rub it on the eggshells before boiling them. Alternatively, you can add a lemon wedge to the water used to boil the eggs.

Then, immerse the eggs in the water and let them cook until the desired consistency.

After cooking, you will see that the membrane will come off very easily. Removing eggshells will now be a breeze.