
Removes phlegm from the lungs, improves cough, flu, and treats sinusitis

By Lilias

Frequent climate changes often bring problems for people who have very low defenses or a weak immune system, so I recommend preparing this syrup based on natural ingredients
Onion, garlic, carrot, ginger, lemon and honey. They call it the phlegm remover.

Raw onion contains a lot of properties, ideal to consume it raw in this syrup, since it is a food rich in quercetin, an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and natural antibiotic.

Ginger helps to dilute phlegm, clears the respiratory tract and relieves the symptoms of congestion. It has analgesic, antipyretic and antibacterial properties, helping our body to fight against bacteria and viruses that cause discomfort. It is also a powerful expectorant that favors the expulsion of mucus accumulated in the lungs.

Lemons, like garlic and honey, improve the immune system, have antifungal and antimicrobial properties. Lemon contains essential oils such as pectin, malic acid or citric acid.

It reduces dry cough, eliminates phlegm and improves throat inflammation.

Garlic is also a natural ingredient that works very well to calm cough with phlegm, it contains properties that make it act as a natural antibiotic. It is rich in allicin, this makes it a natural antibiotic. Garlic treats high fever, chills and sore throat that can cause the flu.

Carrot has antioxidant properties that help fight these respiratory conditions, stimulating defense cells and helping to strengthen the immune system. Its high content of vitamin A and carotenoids help the defenses of our immune system.

Honey is a natural antibiotic, it prevents cough, colds and flu. It is also very good for sore throats, as it is moisturizing and anti-inflammatory.

To prepare this natural syrup, we will chop the garlic, onion, ginger and carrot into small pieces.

We put the ingredients in a jar and add the juice of 2 lemons.

We put the honey and cover the jar.

You can leave it in the refrigerator and take 3 tablespoons a day. This syrup will leave your lungs like new.