
Benefits and properties of pumpkin seeds

By Lilias

Did you know that pumpkin seeds have many health benefits? You will never throw them away again after reading the properties and uses that can be given to these seeds

Some of the nutrients and minerals they contain are copper, iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, copper and potassium. They also provide the body with antioxidants and phytosterols, which are very helpful in protecting us from different health problems

Benefits of pumpkin seeds
Treating insomnia
Eating a few pumpkin seeds 1 hour before going to sleep can help you fall asleep faster and have a more restful rest. The tryptophan they contain is what produces this effect on the body, improving the quality of sleep.

Improves heart health

Magnesium is another of the mineral nutrients that pumpkin seeds have, very important for preventing heart and brain diseases. They have also been shown to be effective in people with hypertension

Improves the immune system
Nowadays many people have a lack of zinc in the body, and this element is of vital importance to keep the immune system on alert. If the body does not have the necessary amount of zinc, the chances of suffering from chronic fatigue, flu, depression, neurological problems and others may increase

Anti-inflammatory properties

Studies have shown that pumpkin seed oil produces an anti-inflammatory effect very similar to the medicine to treat arthritis that contains indomethacin. Therefore, it is a natural anti-inflammatory that does not produce side effects like most medicines to treat pain and other health problems.

Other benefits
It is one of the best sources of vegetable Omega 3. Improves prostate health. It can increase levels of good HDL cholesterol.
Reduces blood pressure and joint pain.
Relieves menopausal symptoms.
Helps you sleep