
8 reasons not to throw your orange peels in the trash

By Lesia

Do you tend to throw your orange peels in the trash? Then stop! Know that this citrus fruit with multiple benefits for your health can be used in its entirety! This sun-drenched fruit contains many more secrets than those we already know, discover these 8 unsuspected uses for orange peels… a second life awaits them!

Orange peels have more than one trick up their sleeve! Mother Nature never ceases to surprise us, discover how to save these peels that were destined to end up in the trash. 8 anti-waste tips that will help you save money and rediscover this citrus fruit that is the source of life!

orange peel

Orange peel – Source: plussainelavie.com

8 unusual uses for orange peels that you will soon adopt

  1. Candied orange peel: Ideal fruit to boost your immunity, for dessert or simply as a snack, try this quick recipe that will tickle your taste buds. To do this you need:

Orange peels
1 cup of sugar
1 cup of water
Cut your orange peels into julienne strips then blanch them in a saucepan for 5 minutes. Remove them and let dry. Place the water and sugar in a saucepan until boiling, then pour in the dried orange slices. Let boil for 30 minutes then remove from the heat and let cool. Repeat this operation twice, until the water reduces. Remove the peels on a rack and let cool. Sprinkle them with sugar and place them in the fridge. A delight!

orange peel

Candied orange peel – Source: lesfleurons-apt.com

  1. Orange infusion: Cut your peels into small cubes and place them on a thin, airy cloth. Let them dry for 7 to 15 days. Once they are nice and crispy, place them in an airtight jar. Add a teaspoon to your tea, an explosion of aromas guaranteed!
  2. A powerful stain remover. This citrus fruit, like lemon, has unparalleled degreasing properties. Follow this little recipe to get rid of stubborn stains:

Orange peels
Glass container
White vinegar
Roughly chop your orange peels and place them in your glass container. Pour in the vinegar and close tightly, then leave to sit for 24 hours. Filter and pour the liquid into a spray bottle. This preparation will help you degrease and disinfect any worktop and even bathroom faucets and tiles. You can say goodbye to stubborn stains.

  1. Room fragrance. A fruit with delicate scents, orange also has the power to neutralize odors. Dry the orange peel in the sun for about two weeks then put them in small porous fabric bags. Place them wherever you like throughout your home… a sweet summer scent will invade your home.
  2. Refrigerator deodorizer. To put an end to bad odors from food and dishes stored there, use this trick! Simply put the orange peel (peeled into a half sphere) in a bowl inside your refrigerator, and pour in a spoonful of salt. Goodbye unpleasant odors!
  3. Orange seasoning oil. Use to enhance the taste of your salads. Place your peels in a liter of olive oil, and add a stick of cinnamon. Let it macerate for at least two days. A real treat!

orange flavored oil

Orange flavored oil – Source: comment-economiser.fr

  1. Shoe deodorizer. Sweaty feet? Place your orange peels directly in your smelly shoes, and let it act overnight. Voila, shoes like new when you wake up!
  2. Orange peel jam. A perfect recipe for all gourmets! Place the same amount of peels as sugar in a pot as well as the orange juice, let cook over low heat for about 2 hours. Increase the temperature until boiling, then return to medium heat. A little tip to know if your marmalade is ready: pour a small amount into a dish and scrape it with your finger. If the trace remains