
Natural products to eliminate bad odors in your kitchen and home

By Lesia

Bad odors at home can quickly compromise our comfort. Among the causes of this inconvenience, insufficient ventilation, the presence of bacteria and dirt residues, humidity, the age of the house or food in poor condition.

Instead of resorting to products based on chemical components that are toxic to health and the environment, there are natural, simple, and economical tips to get rid of bad odors and perfume the entire house.

Citrus fruits
Burning the peel of a lemon or orange brings good smells throughout the house.

To remove strong odors from your home, mix vanilla extract with water and rub wooden furniture and light bulbs with this mixture. When you turn them on, they will smell like vanilla.

It is a good air freshener. A little coffee in a pot will spread a wonderful aroma of coffee in your kitchen or in your house.

Salt is very effective in eliminating bad and strong odors. Pour half a cup of salt on the area you want to clean, sprinkle with water and wash as usual.

By placing a few wipes in the bottom of your trash can, you will eliminate all bad odors.

How to get rid of bad odors in the kitchen?

To remove fish odors in the kitchen, boil a cinnamon stick in water.

Lemon and cloves
Prick 3 lemons with cloves and put them in a ½ cup of water. Boil. The vapors of this mixture help to eliminate the smell of burnt popcorn.

Lemon juice
A mixture of lemon juice and water helps eliminate the smell of garlic and onion.

White vinegar
Put a little white vinegar on the fire, helps eliminate fish odors.

Thyme, Roman or bay leaf
Place one of these plants on a hot surface; it will spread its aroma in the form of steam.

Mix ½ cup of laundry detergent with cold water and put in the sink. Leave it to act for 20 minutes then let the water run to eliminate bad odors.

All these tips eliminate bad odors in the house. They are easy and quick. Do not hesitate to try them, they will spread a pleasant aroma in your home.