
An effective trick to eliminate bad smells from your sink

By Lesia

Whether in the bathroom or the kitchen, the unpleasant smell emanating from drains or sinks is difficult to bear. This is why some women resort to chemical cleaning products or deodorants to get rid of them, without realizing that the substances present in these products are toxic and risk causing irritation and illnesses both at the level of the skin and lungs. To eliminate these smells while preserving your health, discover this simple but very effective natural trick!

Due to grease deposits, the kitchen or bathroom sink loses its shine and becomes dull and greasy. In addition, the accumulation of dirt in the pipes causes them to become clogged and favors the appearance of bad smells, which are sometimes persistent and very difficult to eliminate. To get rid of it and make your sink or washbasin shine, here is a natural trick based on just two ingredients.

Tip to clean your sink and eliminate bad odors from drains:
To prepare this powerful cleaner and deodorizer, you only need two widely available and inexpensive ingredients: baking soda and lemon juice.

The first is known for its effective cleaning properties and its various antiseptic, bleaching and degreasing properties. It effectively removes various grease stains, even the most stubborn ones, and helps unclog drains and neutralize the bad odors that are given off. It is also very useful for cleaning the different surfaces of your home (floor, kitchen, bathroom, etc.) without having to use chemicals or put in a lot of effort to scrub them.

As for the second, its high citric acid content gives it bleaching, disinfecting, antibacterial and deodorizing properties. It is excellent for removing lime and grease deposits, as well as various types of dirt. Natural and safe for your health, lemon juice is excellent for making household chores easier. You can use it to shine your cutlery and glass, disinfect your cutting board, clean your bathroom fixtures, and more.

So, all you need to do is take ½ cup of lemon juice and heat it up, before adding the same amount of baking soda. Proceed slowly as this mixture causes a bit of boiling due to the chemical reaction between the two ingredients. Gently stir the mixture, then gradually pour it down the drain. Leave it for about ten minutes to allow the grease and grime to dissolve. Finish by pouring hot water down the drain to rinse everything out. Just like that, your pipes will be unclogged, clean, and you won’t smell any unpleasant odor anymore.

You can also use the same trick to clean your sink or bathroom. Apply it to the desired surfaces – sinks, bathtubs, toilets, etc. – then leave it for about ten minutes. Scrub with a soft cloth, then rinse with warm water. You will see how clean, shiny and full of freshness they will be.