How to grow kiwi in a pot step by step.
Did you know that you can grow kiwi in a pot? Kiwis no longer have to be the fruits you buy at the supermarket, because you can grow many varieties of hardy kiwis at home! These “hard” kiwi varieties are smaller and sweeter than those in the supermarket (i.e. even tastier!). They are also called baby kiwis and grow in clusters. Today, on this day, we will teach you step by step so that you can succeed in your kiwi plantation, pay close attention to the following steps.
How to grow kiwi step by step.
Kiwi, Fruits, Vitamins, Health, Food
Start by buying a kiwi plant that has already been grown in a nursery. It is easier and safer to have kiwis than if you raised them from seed. If you decide to grow all six from seed, follow the same instructions later!
Place your growing tray near a trellis so the kiwi can climb.
Fill your pot about a third full with the growing mix and fertilizer mix.
Remove the kiwi plant from the container and plant it in the middle of the container.
Remove the male and female plants from the container and place them on either side of the center plant. (Kids’ kiwi containers should have male and female signs, especially if you are growing the hardy variety!)
Cover the rest of the container with tillable kit soil until you reach the top edge. Leave 2 to 3 inches of space for water.
Insert a stick into the container near the trellis to help with growing.
Kiwi, Fruit, Produce, Harvest
Water kiwi plants at least 2 times a week in warm climates. Do not let the soil dry out completely during the growing season, keep it moist.
Cover the soil around the plants with a 10 cm thick layer of seedless straw to promote soil moisture retention and also help suppress weeds.
Fertilize the fruits one year after transplanting the plants to our garden with a 10-10-10 fertilizer.
We must be careful with pests and diseases. The most common pests are fungi, as they attack during the flowering period and when the plants are very humid.
Nematodes are a disease that affects kiwi plants, causing the leaves to turn yellow and slowing down their production. And finally, there are insects that open holes in the leaves, causing the fruits to deform.
Flower, Kiwi, Color, Fruits
Pollination of the kiwi is very important because, in addition to fruiting, it has a great influence on its size, which can reach up to 20%.
If there are bees, there is no reason to have problems. Otherwise, going through treatment equipment called sprayers, which create forced air flows, is a good practice. It ignites naturally and this only creates air movement without adding humidity.
In terms of fertilization, the kiwi is a very demanding plant in nutrients. Professional plants first perform a soil analysis and a foliar analysis to better introduce the dose of fertilizer. When growing in urban gardens, this practice is not practiced, because the investment is not justified.
In addition to basic nitrogen, phosphorus and potash, the subscriber must also take into account microelements. Initially, special attention is paid to fertilizers rich in nitrogen until the beginning of production, since nitrogen is the element that contributes to the good vegetative development of the plant. Subsequently, once full production is reached, more balanced balances are applied and even with a potassium prominence.
The productive varieties are female and the most popular are:
Kiwi, Fruits, Chrysanthemum, Golden Kiwi
Abbott.- With medium-sized fruits, bright straw green flesh, with a bittersweet flavor, with a very thin and fragrant skin.
Bruno. – With fruits also of medium size, uniform in shape, with bright straw green pulp, juicy and with a slightly acidic but pleasant taste.
Hayward.- Fruit of a thicker and more uniform caliber. Its flesh is light straw green in color, with a very pleasant sweet and sour taste, balanced and with a fragrant meat.
Monty. – Its fruits are medium in size and generally not very uniform. Its flesh is light straw green in color, with a sweet, slightly acidic and also fragrant taste.
Grace. – Fruits with greenish-brown skin, covered with long hairs that are easy to remove. Its flesh is green, fragrant and slightly acidic.
Jones. – Fruits of considerable size and strength