
Is it necessary to close the toilet lid when flushing? The reason many ignore

By Lesia

Yes, it is generally recommended to close the toilet lid when flushing. Here’s why:

  • “Toilet Plume” or Aerosolization:
    • Flushing creates a spray of tiny water droplets, along with any bacteria or viruses present in the toilet bowl.
    • These droplets can become airborne and spread throughout the bathroom, potentially contaminating surfaces like toothbrushes, towels, and countertops.
    • This “toilet plume” can spread fecal bacteria, which may include harmful pathogens.

  • Hygiene:
    • Closing the lid helps contain these droplets, reducing the spread of germs and improving overall bathroom hygiene.
    • This is especially important in shared bathrooms.
  • Prevention of Contamination:
    • Items that are left on the counter close to the toilet, like toothbrushes, are very easily contaminated by the spray from a flushing toilet.
  • Psychological Comfort:
    • Even if the risk of contamination is considered low by some, closing the lid can provide a greater sense of psychological comfort and cleanliness.

Why Many Ignore It:

  • Lack of Awareness:
    • Many people are simply unaware of the “toilet plume” and its potential for contamination.
  • Habit:
    • It’s often a matter of habit or convenience. Some people find it easier or quicker to flush without closing the lid.
  • Perceived Low Risk:
    • Some people may believe that the risk of contamination is minimal, especially if they regularly clean their bathroom.
  • Inconvenience:
    • It is an extra step, that adds a very small amount of time to the process of using the toilet.

While the risk of serious illness from the “toilet plume” may be relatively low for healthy individuals, closing the lid is a simple and effective way to improve bathroom hygiene and reduce the spread of germs.