
Cakes full of flavor, which immediately disappear from the plate!

By liliaturcin5

Fantastically tasty! Be sure to prepare them! You won t regret!


For the dough:

-200 ml of kefir 3.2% (at room temperature);

-1/3 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate;

-½ teaspoon of salt;

-½ teaspoon of sugar;

-20 ml of refined sunflower oil;

-a or;

-400-430 g of flour.

For the filling:

-280 g of cheese or other cheese that you like;

-a or;

– salt, ground black pepper — to taste.

Other: about 50 g of butter or ghee (clarified butter) — for greasing the cakes after preparation.


1. Prepare the dough: pour the kefir into a deep bowl. Add the baking soda and mix very well.

2. Add salt, sugar, egg and oil. Mix until smooth with a whisk.

3. Gradually add the sifted flour. Initially mix with the spoon, and then transfer the dough to the work surface and knead it well with your hands. It must be homogeneous, soft and non-sticky.

4. Divide the obtained dough into 4 equal parts. Shape them into balls, then cover them with cling film and let them ‘rest’ for 15-20 minutes.

5. Prepare the filling: put the cheese or cheese through a large grater. Add the egg and salt, ground black pepper to taste. Mix very well.

6. Divide the filling into 4 approximately equal parts.

7. Shape the cakes: working on a floured table, stretch each ball of dough a little with your hands to turn it into a round and thick cake.

8.Place a portion of filling in the middle of it.

9.Then gather them together and glue the edges very well, completely covering the filling.

10. Turn it “seam” down and flatten it with your hands until it turns into a round cake, about 1 cm thick.

11.Fry the cake on a dry pan, over moderate heat, under the lid, until it turns brown, turning it a few times from one side to the other.

12.Place it on a plate and while it is still hot, brush it with soft butter or ghee using the silicone brush.

13. Proceeding similarly, shape and fry the other cakes.

14. Serve them with great pleasure!

We wish you good appetite with your loved ones!