
“Mars” cake. A simple and delicious dessert! Literally melts in your mouth!

By liliaturcin5

Toppings with an intense chocolate taste, syrupy with milk, fluffy and very smooth chocolate mousse, sweet and slightly salty caramel… Who could remain indifferent to such a wonderful combination?


For countertops:

-3 eggs;

-80 g of sugar;

-a pinch of salt;

-30 ml of refined sunflower oil;

-50 ml of milk;

-80 g of flour;

-20 g of cocoa powder;

– a teaspoon of baking powder.

We baked the sponge cake in a 20 cm diameter pan.

For the caramel:

-150 g of sugar;

-70 g of 82% butter (cold);

-110 ml of cream for whipping cream 33-36%;

-a pinch of salt.

For the chocolate mousse:

-100 g of dark chocolate;

-100 g of milk chocolate;

-450 ml of cream for whipping cream 33-36%;

-10 g of quickly dissolving gelatin;

-60 ml of water or milk.

For syrup: 50 ml of milk.

For the glaze:

-150 g of milk chocolate;

-30 ml of refined sunflower oil.


1. Prepare the tops: beat the eggs, sugar and a pinch of salt with the mixer on high speed for 7-10 minutes, until they turn into a fluffy, voluminous and whitish composition, on which the egg whites leave persistent marks for 2-3 seconds.

2. Add the refined sunflower oil and the milk in turn. Mix with the mixer on low speed.

3. Add gradually (in 2-3 stages) the sifted flour together with the cocoa powder and baking powder. Mix with a spatula or whisk, using circular movements, oriented from bottom to top.

4. Transfer the dough to the pan, the bottom of which you lined with baking paper. Spread it evenly.

5. Bake the sponge cake for 25-30 minutes in the oven preheated to 180°C. Check it’s done by the toothpick test.

6. Let the sponge cake cool in the pan for 15-20 minutes, then separate it from its walls with a thin knife, take it out and wait until it cools completely.

7.Then remove the “cap” and cut it into 3 equal tops.

8. Prepare the caramel: spread the sugar on a pan with a thick bottom. Melt it over moderate heat, starting to stir it with the wooden spatula when it is almost completely melted, so that no whole crystals remain through it. You should get an amber caramel. Be careful not to keep it on the fire too long, so it doesn’t burn and become bitter.

9. Add the cold butter, cut into cubes. Stir.

10.Add the whipped cream. Mix until smooth.

11. Take the caramel off the heat. Add a pinch of extra fine salt to it. Stir.

12. Let the caramel cool to room temperature.

13. Prepare the mousse: cut the dark chocolate and milk chocolate into pieces. Pour 100ml of whipping cream, heated to near boiling point, over them. Let them interact for 30-60 seconds, then mix until smooth.

14. Let the melted chocolate cool.

15. Dissolve the gelatin in cold water or milk. Let it hydrate for 7-10 minutes.

16. Beat 350 ml of whipping cream (cold, just taken out of the fridge) with the mixer until soft peaks appear. It should have the consistency of melted ice cream.

17.Add the melted and cooled chocolate to the whipped cream. Mix with the mixer on low speed.

18. Melt the hydrated gelatin over low heat or in a bain-marie, being careful not to boil it. Its temperature must not exceed 60°C‌ during heating.

19. Add the melted gelatin to the mousse. Mix with the mixer on low speed.

20. Assemble the cake inside an adjustable ring: place the first cake on a plate and brush it with milk, using the cooking brush.

21. Spread ¼ of the chocolate mousse evenly on its surface, using a piping bag.

22. Spread half of the caramel on the mousse layer, starting from the middle and leaving the edges free (about 2.5-3 cm). We used all the money.

23.Add another quarter of the mousse, spreading it evenly with the piping bag and completely covering the caramel.

24.Place the second top on the cake. Syrup it with milk and continue assembling the cake, repeating steps 20-22.

25. Place the last top on the cake. Syrup it with milk.

26. Cover the cake with cling film and refrigerate for 4-6 hours to stabilize.

27. Carefully separate the cake from the walls of the adjustable ring, using a thin knife. Remove the adjustable ring.

28. Prepare the glaze: put the milk chocolate, broken into pieces, and the refined sunflower oil in a heat-resistant bowl. Melt them in a bain-marie, stirring constantly. You need to get a homogeneous glaze.

29. Spread the frosting evenly on the surface and edges of the cake, using the pastry tools. In order not to dirty the tray, cover its free edges with pieces of baking paper.

30. Place the cake in the refrigerator until the glaze hardens.

31. Portion and serve the cake with great pleasure!

We wish you good appetite with your loved ones!