
Cheesecakes in a pan — quick and delicious. They immediately disappear from the plate!

By liliaturcin5

They always seem too few!


For the dough:

-300 ml of milk;

-½ teaspoon of salt;

-2 eggs;

-230-250 g of flour;

-5 g of baking powder (one teaspoon);

-2 tablespoons of refined sunflower oil.

For sprinkling:

-140 g of grated cheese;

-2 tablespoons of sesame seeds.

From these ingredients you will get 5 cakes with a diameter of 16-17 cm.


1.Put the milk, eggs and salt in a deep bowl. Mix until smooth.

2. Add the refined sunflower oil and the sifted flour together with the baking powder. Mix very well so that there are no lumps. You need to get a dough with the consistency of kefir.

3. Grease the hot pan with a little oil. Spread a fifth of the dough evenly on its surface, so that you get a cake with a thickness of 5-6 mm. Fry it on moderate heat until it starts to set.

4. Then sprinkle it with sesame seeds and grated cheese.

5. After the cheese has melted, turn the cake to the other side and fry it until it is ready. It should brown nicely.

6.Proceeding similarly, fry all the cakes.

7. Serve the cakes with cheese and sesame while they are still warm! We’re sure you’ll love it!

We wish you good appetite with your loved ones!