
Japanese sweet omelette: a dessert ready in 5 minutes, very soft!

By liliaturcin5

This sweet Japanese omelette is a cloud of airy gluttony. It is prepared in a pan, without even turning on the oven, exactly as we would for a traditional omelette, but it is immensely taller and softer. Its flavor, then, is a marvel: versatile and delicious, it goes beautifully with spicy savory sauces or onion jam, for an informal aperitif with old friends. For a healthy and nutritious snack or breakfast, you can serve it with honey, caramel, nutella. In all its variations it will not disappoint you, on the contrary, it will make your cuisine international, enriching you with new and sensational taste experiences.

Without balance!! All you need is a spoon to measure out the ingredients! It does not contain flour, milk or butter; it is therefore also perfect for coeliacs and intolerant people.

What are you waiting for then? Get to work, we begin!


Japanese sweet omelette: ingredients and preparation

For this recipe, get:

  • 5 eggs
  • 4 teaspoons of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of cocoa
  • seed oil, to taste to grease the pan

Choose very fresh eggs, possibly from organic farming to guarantee a full and round taste.

Break the eggs into two different bowls separating the yolks from the whites.

Add 2 teaspoons of sugar and 1 tablespoon of cocoa to the reds, then start working everything with the electric whisk to uniform.

Still using the mixer, whip the whites until stiff, adding the remaining 2 teaspoons of sugar when they start to swell.


Grease the bottom of a non-stick pan, when it starts to sizzle, transfer the yolks and cocoa mixture and cook it for 1 minute, then cover with the whipped egg whites and put the lid on.

Let go for just 5 minutes, then turn off the stove and transfer your omelette to the serving plate. Cut it in half and make a sort of sandwich, mash it gently and let it rest for 5 minutes, then serve it.