
Cabbage and pan-fried potatoes: tastier than meat. Only 270 calories!

By liliaturcin5

Cabbage and pan-fried potatoes: tastier than meat. Only 270 calories!

Cabbage is the great protagonist of the colder months. Tasty and fanciful, it lends itself to numerous preparations, one of all, however, sees it among the main ingredients for a truly unusual, but very inviting omelette.

Potatoes, cheese, eggs and little else: in just over half an hour you will bring to the table a dish that will conquer everyone in the family. Perfect for a nutritious, complete, but light dinner, it can also be served in wedges for a finger food aperitif with old friends. It does not weigh down and provides just 270 calories. With the doses that we indicate, you will get about 4 large slices. Rich in beneficial virtues, thanks to the massive presence of vegetables, it is a protein dish, perfect for sportsmen who want to increase muscle mass and for those who want to stay fit without giving up the pleasures of the table.


What are you waiting for then? Get to work, we begin!

Cabbage and potatoes: ingredients and preparation

For this recipe, get:

  • ½ head of cabbage
  • 2-3 potatoes
  • 70 gr of cheese (scamorza type)
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 carrot
  • ½ cup tomato puree
  • 20ml of oil
  • a few spring onions cut into small pieces
  • 2 teaspoons mustard

Before starting the actual realization of this recipe, prepare the vegetables. Peel the cabbage and slice it finely, then cut the potatoes into very thin slices, grate the carrot and the cheese, cut the spring onions into small pieces. Arrange each ingredient in a different bowl to have everything at hand and continue quickly.

Now pour 10 ml of oil into a non-stick pan, add the carrot and lightly brown it, then add the cabbage, mix and cook for 5/7 minutes over high heat.

Add the tomato purée, make it uniform, add salt and pepper, finally put the lid on and continue cooking your vegetables for another 5/7 minutes. Turn off the gas and transfer everything into a container. Keep close at hand.

Work the eggs with 2 tablespoons of mustard; use a whisk to obtain a frothy and thick mixture.


In a clean non-stick frying pan, brown the potatoes, turning them often for uniform cooking. When they are soft inside and crunchy outside, divide them in half with a spatula. Pour half of the egg mixture to cover them, then add the sautéed vegetables and raw spring onion, cover with the remaining eggs and put the lid on.

Cook for another 5/7 minutes.

Easy right? Serve your cabbage omelette with a fresh seasonal salad.