
The trick to having a smooth, shiny and velvety custard: just prepare it like this | Only 100 calories!

By liliaturcin5

With the recipe for smooth, shiny and velvety custard you will finally have a filling with the right consistency for your cakes. In fact, in a few simple steps you will get a real masterpiece that will make sweets more delicious, which will literally be snapped up.

Surely, you have not yet found and tried a cream so special and so good that, if you wish, you can also consume it alone as a dessert and make adults and children happy. In this way, especially if you have guests, you will be able to end the dinner in the best way. Furthermore, you will have an extremely light and low-calorie yield that will satisfy those who follow a diet, since for once there will be no need to give up sweets to keep the figure.

Then, the preparation does not cause particular problems, indeed, its basic level of difficulty is within anyone’s reach, not to mention that very few minutes of time are enough. So, are you ready to make something exceptional that will blow your mind? If the answer is yes, continue reading.

The recipe for smooth, shiny and velvety custard: prepare it like this!

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 20 minutes
Servings: 5
Calories: 100 per serving


  • 500ml of milk
  • 50 g of stevia sweetener (or alternatively 100 g of normal sugar)
  • 40 gr of corn starch
  • 4 yolks
  • 1 organic lemon zest
  • 1 vanilla pod


  1. To start , place a bowl in the freezer to cool , so that it is ready for when you need to put your cream in it.
  2. Now put the yolks in a pan, add the stevia sweetener (or sugar) and mix with a hand whisk .
  3. Now add the cornstarch, mix taking care not to form lumps and take a spatula to check that the mixture is even around the edges.
  4. Now pour the milk into a clean saucepan, integrate the lemon peel and the vanilla pod, light the fire, bring it to a boil to aromatize and remove both the lemon peel and the vanilla pod.
  5. Once this is done, transfer the milk into the yolk mixture in two steps, mix with a hand whisk, return to the heat and without ceasing to stir, thicken well .
  6. Finally transfer the cream into the bowl that you have left to cool, stir quickly to lower the temperature, cover it with the transparent film in contact, let it rest for a few hours in the refrigerator , stir it to restore the creaminess and use it as you prefer.