
How to plant and have a thriving laurel on the balcony

By liliaturcin5

Laurel is one of those aromatic plants that is always good to have at home It is not only useful in the kitchen, but has many beneficial properties for our health. Its leaves are a fundamental ingredient of many culinary preparations, and can be used for the preparation of herbal teas and infusions.

If you also buy bay leaves at the supermarket “as needed”, you will probably be pleased to know that growing a bay tree on the balcony is possible and not at all difficult to do.

Below we list some tricks to have a lush laurel plant on the balcony and therefore avoid having to buy it at the supermarket.

1. Choice of pot

The choice of the pot in which to plant the laurel is important: it must not be too large, otherwise the plant will grow too much, but not too small, to favor the development of the roots.

To transplant the laurel plant purchased at the nursery, the ideal is to choose a pot of about 50 centimeters in height, preferably made of terracotta. Make sure it has drainage holes.

2. Preparation of the soil

To encourage the growth and development of the laurel plant, before placing the soil, pour a layer of expanded clay or pebbles to facilitate water drainage and prevent the roots from rotting.

Immediately afterwards pour in the soil, which can be a universal one. It is important that it is rich in organic matter, and can be enriched with a little earthworm humus or manure.

3. Transplant the laurel seedling

Remove the pot of the laurel plant (the one placed in the nursery) being very careful not to damage the roots. Clean the soil a little and place the plant in the terracotta pot.

Once the plant is positioned, water with plenty of water.

4. Light

Place the laurel plant in partial shade: it must receive a maximum of 4 hours of sunlight per day.

However, the plant needs indirect light, and for this reason it is perfect for being placed on the balcony.

5. Watering

It is important not to water the bay plant with too much water. Water only when the soil is drying, pouring the water little by little until it comes out of the holes in the pot.

Always water early in the morning or in the evening, before the plant receives sun.

6. Collection

To remove bay leaves, use sterilized scissors and cut part of the branch.

Do not pull off leaves individually, as this may make it more difficult for the tree to grow. Cutting an entire branch will encourage the growth of a new branch.

Important: This website does not give medical advice, nor does it suggest the use of techniques as a form of treatment for physical problems, for which the advice of a doctor is required. If you decide to apply the information contained in this site, it does not assume responsibility. The intention of the site is to be illustrative, not exhortative or didactic.