
Lose Weight by Cleansing Your Colon? in 7 Days

By liliaturcin5

Because over the days and months, our diet composed of industrialized products, food additives and refined sugars produces metabolic waste and polluting substances in our body. all these elements clog our digestive tract even if we do not feel their presence.

Most of the time everything we ingest is very difficult to eliminate and stagnates in our body. our digestive system is saturated with gas and digestive germs, which results in us becoming swollen and gaining weight.

Problems caused by a dirty colon

The colon is part of the body’s purifying system and plays a very important role.

Even if you have good digestion, it is important to clean it regularly to be able to eliminate all the waste that accumulates inside. Indeed, when they are not eliminated, they can pass into the blood and thus cause very serious illnesses.

Among the main problems of dirty colon are:

  • Abdominal bloating
  • Weight problems
  • Mood changes
  • Slow intestinal transit or constipation
  • Back pain or headaches
  • A lack of energy
  • A weakened immune system
  • A lack of appetite
  • Bad breath and body odor
  • Diarrhea
  • Spots on the skin
  • Pimples and blackheads
  • Diabetes
  • Stress, insomnia and anxiety
  • Different types of cancer
  • Hair loss
  • Varicose veins

Cleaning your colon and intestines is therefore important to lose weight: 

Colon cleansing instantly creates a feeling of lightness that helps with nutrient absorption and improved digestion. At the same time, it will help you reduce cravings and control your appetite.

The following juice cleanse will provide amazing effects in just a week, and will lead to considerable weight loss. Try it as soon as you can, you won’t be disappointed.


  • An apple (green or red)
  • The juice of an orange
  • ½ Aloe Vera leaf
  • ½ cucumber
  • A slice of pineapple


  1. Cut the pineapple slice, rinse the cucumber and slice it into small pieces, and do the same with the apple. Divide the Aloe Vera leaf in half, and squeeze the gel from one half.
  2. Then mix all the ingredients in a blender, add a glass of water and the orange juice and mix. Transfer the juice you get into a tall glass and drink it twice a day, once in the morning, on an empty stomach, and once in the afternoon. Also make sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water during the day.