
How to Lose Weight Fast with Lemon, Ginger and Chia Seeds

By liliaturcin5

When you want to lose weight, diet is the number 1 factor to take into account. But when we talk about food we think almost exclusively of solids… But don’t forget that liquids are also very important. We remind you that your body is made up of approximately 70% water…

The effectiveness of this drink which helps you lose weight is found in its ingredients.
These promote the elimination of toxins, accelerate metabolism and fight against water retention. Remember that for weight loss to be effective you need a balanced diet and, if possible, daily sporting activity. Even if it’s difficult for you, force yourself, for example, to walk for 30 minutes. This is the minimum for it to work correctly…

Why ginger, lemon and chia?


  • People who have a slow metabolism tend to gain weight more easily. Even if they exercise and adopt good lifestyle habits, they need a boost to lose weight. And that’s where ginger comes into play.
  • This spice is one of the foods that has the ability to accelerate metabolism, an essential factor for burning more calories. It also has the virtue of regulating blood glucose levels and controlling appetite in a natural way.

The lemon

  • Lemon is one of those slimming foods par excellence. In fact, it is a fruit with incredible purifying, alkalizing and antioxidant properties. It should therefore not be missing from any diet.
  • When we want to lose weight, lemon helps us digest and better eliminate fat, fight against fluid retention and gives us a feeling of satiety which avoids picking or nibbling between meals.
  • You can use the whole lemon, both the pulp and the skin. It is therefore advisable to buy lemons from organic farming. You can thus ensure their quality: without pesticides, wax or other chemical substances.

Chia seeds

  • Chia seeds are an ideal supplement for losing weight in a healthy way and for regulating intestinal function, whether we suffer from constipation or want to maintain a clean colon.
  • These small seeds help us reduce abdominal swelling by stimulating intestinal transit. In addition, they have many other beneficial properties, thanks to their antioxidant power and their protein and fiber content.
  • For these effects to appear in our body, we must always soak them in water for several hours before consuming them.

How to prepare this superb slimming drink?


  • 1 piece of grated fresh ginger. A spoonful of powdered ginger will also do the trick!
  • 1 lemon (if possible organic)
  • 1 spoonful of chia seeds
  • 2 glasses of water (about 400 ml)
  • Stevia to sweeten (optional)


The day before, soak the chia seeds in two glasses of water. The next morning, extract the juice from the lemon then mix with the chia seeds, water and ginger. You should obtain a more or less homogeneous mixture. To boost the beneficial effects of this drink, you can add a little lemon zest. Then, sweeten, if you want, with stevia. Above all, don’t filter it!