
Here’s How to Get Rid of Foot Bunions

By liliaturcin5

Bunion or hallux valgus, its medical name, is a problem that affects the big toe. Painful, annoying and above all very unsightly, this foot condition can be inconvenient on a daily basis. To remedy this, patients undergo drug treatments, but if they show no signs of improvement and complications develop, surgery may be necessary.


Hallux valgus, commonly called a bunion, corresponds to a deformity of the big toe. This deviates inwards, towards the other toes of the foot, thus causing an alteration in the shape of the forefoot, more particularly at the level of the first metatarsal. This misalignment of the big toe causes the formation of what is called a bunion, which is the cause of pain when walking and difficulty putting on shoes. Indeed, when the protruding area (bunion) undergoes pressure or friction when wearing shoes, the skin thickens, becomes redder and painful, following the inflammation of the bursitis. Note, however, that in some cases, hallux valgus can be completely painless.

A bunion usually does not have symptoms at first and progresses through different stages. At first the deviation is slight, then becomes moderate, reaching a severe stage, in which the big toe is placed below or above the second toe.


Hallux valgus affects women much more than men. This foot condition is mainly caused by:

  • Wearing uncomfortable shoes; too tight, with pointed toe, high heels
  • Age (from 40 years old)
  • Menopause
  • Flat foot
  • heredity


  • Hallux valgus progresses in flare-ups. People who suffer from it feel pain on the inner side of the foot. Pain that gets worse especially when walking or wearing shoes.
  • In addition to being painful and unsightly, hallux valgus can lead to other complications. This foot condition can cause toe claws, osteoarthritis, skin problems and back corns.


  • This tip consists of eliminating salt deposits from the body, in order to relieve hallux valgus. Bay leaves have multiple virtues that help fight this problem.
  • Pour a tablespoon of bay leaves cut into small pieces into a saucepan filled with 300 ml of water and boil them for 5 minutes. Then put the resulting solution in a thermos and leave to act overnight. The next morning, filter the preparation to recover the liquid. And there you have it, your drink is ready. Drink it in small sips throughout the day.
  • Follow this treatment for 3 consecutive days, making sure to prepare the drink each evening so that it is fresher. Repeat the treatment after 7 days, in the same way, for a total duration of 2 months.
  • Don’t be surprised if you have to urinate very often during this treatment. This is completely normal. This is a sign that the salt accumulated in the body is dissolving.
  • The first results of this tip are noticed after 10 days. You will feel less pain and your bunions will gradually disappear.