
Sapling biscuits: easy and delicious, prepare them for New Year’s Eve

By liliaturcin5

Sapling biscuits: easy and delicious, prepare them for New Year’s Eve

They are perfect if served with tea, coffee or latte, at breakfast or as a snack, but also at the end of a meal they offer great satisfaction to the palate, entertaining guests at the table to round off a festive gathering on a sweet note.

A slightly crunchy crust, a soft interior enclosed by two crumbly and delicious layers: these are the characteristics of the most delicious biscuits ever. Children and adults will like them, but they will also be a very welcome gift for your friends, a precious gift made by you with your warmth. Wrap them in transparent bags so as to make their inviting beauty immediately visible.


What are you waiting for then? Get to work, let’s get started!

For this recipe, get:

  • yogurt 100 g
  • egg 1 + 1 for brushing
  • sugar 2 spoons + 2/3 to sprinkle
  • vanilla sugar 1 tsp
  • baking powder 1 tsp
  • butter 100 g
  • farina 320 g
  • salt, 1 pinch
  • icing sugar to taste to decorate

Preheat the oven to 180°.

Line the dripping pan with the special paper.

Sift the flour into a bowl, add 2 tablespoons of sugar, the baking powder, a pinch of salt and the vanilla sugar. Mix the powders with the hand whisk to uniform them. Now add the butter and start working by kneading with your hands. Make a hole in the center and insert the egg and yogurt, then mix first with a spoon, then again with your hands. You have to get a very compact dough. Leave it on the work surface, then cover it with the bowl and let it rest for about ten minutes.

After this time, roll it out with a rolling pin to obtain a disc about one centimeter thick. Brush the surface with a lightly beaten egg or egg yolk. Sprinkle 2 or 3 tablespoons of sugar and start cutting your biscuits with a knife. First make some rectangles, then divide them along the diagonal to obtain many triangles.


Arrange them on the plate well spaced and cook for 25 minutes until completely browned.

Take them out of the oven, let them cool and sprinkle them with icing sugar.

I am a marvel.