
Clear Your Colon of Toxic Waste with This Natural Drink

By liliaturcin5

With good treatment, you can cleanse your colon. This will allow you to detoxify it, free it of all the negative residues that are shaking your body and eliminate the contaminants that are making you sick. Learn how to do a colon cleanse in the following article and enjoy a healthier life.

The colon is part of the body’s purifying system and plays a very important role. Even if you have good digestion, it is important to clean it regularly to be able to eliminate all the waste that accumulates inside and which, when not eliminated, can pass into the blood and cause very serious illnesses.

Among the main problems of dirty colon are:

  • Abdominal bloating
  • Weight problems
  • Mood changes
  • Slow intestinal transit or constipation
  • Back pain or headaches
  • A lack of energy
  • A weakened immune system
  • A lack of appetite
  • Bad breath and body odor
  • Diarrhea
  • Spots on the skin
  • Pimples and blackheads
  • Diabetes
  • Stress, insomnia and anxiety
  • Different types of cancer
  • Hair loss
  • Varicose veins

As explained by Doctor Patrick Aubé, general practitioner, a diet rich in plant fibers and an intake of probiotics are strongly recommended to ensure the proper functioning of the colon. So, discover a natural remedy rich in antioxidants which promotes purification of the body.

Discover a natural remedy rich in antioxidants that promotes purification of the body.


  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • ½ cup homemade apple juice
  • 1 teaspoon ground ginger
  • ½ teaspoon sea salt
  • ½ cup lukewarm water
  • In order to benefit from the maximum benefits of this remedy, always choose ingredients of organic origin.

Preparation and consumption 

  1. Mix all the ingredients until you obtain a liquid and homogeneous texture. Every morning, drink this juice 20 minutes before your breakfast.
  2. You can take full advantage of its benefits throughout the day, before each meal and snack. However, it is not recommended to drink it after 5 p.m. as it risks disrupting your sleep.

The benefits of detox juice

  • Many studies have shown that consuming just one apple a day significantly reduces the need for prescription medications, while ginger stimulates the colon and prevents colon cancer, thereby reducing stomach bloating and eliminating waste and toxins.
  • On the other hand, lemon is rich in vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant and one of the best detoxification tools you can use. Additionally, according to a study conducted by the British Dietetic Association, lemon is excellent for eliminating fat and contributing to weight loss.
  • Sea salt, for its part, facilitates colon cleansing, detoxifies and renews the body’s energies, particularly in children. It also accelerates the regeneration process of cells, especially those damaged by diseases such as cirrhosis.
  • It also helps in removing excess water accumulated in the abdomen resulting from illness.