
7 Day Cabbage Soup Diet

By liliaturcin5

The cabbage soup diet is one of the very low-calorie express diets. Soup-based, it lacks many nutrients. It can cause digestive problems or even serious health problems if it is taken for too long. It is strongly recommended not to continue it beyond the recommended seven days.

Weekly Menu Diet Cabbage Soup 

  • Monday: Cabbage soup (breakfast, lunch and dinner), any fruit you want except banana. Drink unsweetened water, coffee or tea.
  • Tuesday:  Cabbage soup (breakfast, lunch and dinner), any fruits and vegetables you want, except bananas, peas and corn. For dinner, add a baked potato. Drink unsweetened water, coffee or tea.
  • Wednesday:  Cabbage soup (breakfast, lunch and dinner), all the fruits and vegetables you want. Drink unsweetened water, coffee or tea.
  • Thursday:  cabbage soup (breakfast, lunch and dinner), 1 glass of milk for breakfast, 4 bananas throughout the day. Drink unsweetened water, coffee or tea.
  • Friday:  cabbage soup (breakfast, lunch and dinner), 500 grams of beef, boiled fish for dinner with 3 fresh tomatoes. Drink unsweetened water, coffee or tea.
  • Saturday:  cabbage soup (breakfast, lunch and dinner), 2 chicken breasts for lunch and dinner, vegetables to taste. Drink unsweetened water, coffee or tea.
  • Sunday: cabbage soup (breakfast, lunch and dinner), 250 grams of brown rice, vegetables and fruits to taste. Drink unsweetened water, coffee or tea.

The benefits of the cabbage soup diet 

Main advantage of the “cabbage soup” diet: its effectiveness. In fact, it allows you to lose 3 to 7 kilos in a week because it quickly melts fat.

Natural, it is also economical, which makes it rather easy to follow. Rich in fiber, mineral salts and vitamins, it facilitates intestinal transit and regulates sugar and fat metabolism. What’s more, the high consumption of fruit prescribed in the menus promotes the feeling of satiety.