
Cucumber has a bitter taste: Take this action while you peel it!

By liliaturcin5

Bitterness is usually concentrated in the stem end of the cucumber and can be a consequence of fertilization, temperature, irrigation and space of the plant. It is very rare for the flavor to be found in the deeper parts of the cucumber, it is more often found in the greener areas under the skin.

If you want to know how to remove bitterness from cucumber, continue our article for lots of tips!

How to remove bitterness from cucumber?

The easiest and best way to cut cucumber is to cut the cucumber exactly from the middle using a knife. The bitterness completely disappears when the cucumber is peeled in this way.

You can also cut the cucumber by first cutting the ends and peeling it. Pierce the cucumber using a fork (lengthwise), which prevents bitterness.

There is another more common way to cut the cucumber is to cut it from the top. Apply some salt and continue rubbing the cut pieces using circular motions. Likewise, cut it from the other side and rub the part with the salt. Next, wash and cut the cucumber. You can say goodbye to bitterness.