
How to Get Rid of About 20kg of Poison in Your Colon

By liliaturcin5

The colon, also known as the “large intestine,” removes water, salt, and some nutrients by forming stools. A colon that is not functioning optimally will retain some of these materials longer, which is not good for your body. An unhealthy colon does not remove waste as efficiently as a healthy colon. This can cause what is called “intestinal permeability”.

It is estimated that it takes around 24 hours for food to complete its journey inside your body, but modern eating habits, which lack essential nutrients, slow down this transit, which takes around 70 hours, resulting in consequence that you carry around 20 kg of waste accumulated in your colon. One of the most common symptoms indicating the presence of this phenomenon is constipation.

Here’s how to evacuate the equivalent of 20 kg of toxic waste from your colon with a cleansing program in 2 weeks:


  • 300 ml of filtered water
  • 1/10 teaspoon cayenne pepper powder
  • 2 tablespoons of organic maple syrup
  • Freshly squeezed juice of ½ lemon


Preparing this powerful remedy is really easy: You just need to mix all the ingredients and consume the mixture for at least 10 days, 5 to 8 times a day.

Essential oils are the best support in the body’s detoxification process. The nutrients presented in the oils are easily assimilated at the cellular level and this is why we recommend supporting the first colon detoxification program with mint and lemon essential oil:


  • 10 drops of mint and lemon essential oils
  • 1 freshly squeezed organic lemon.


You must mix the resulting result with 250 ml of mineral water and consume this drink for two weeks as part of the first program.