
7 Clove Tips Every Woman Should Know

By liliaturcin5

We dry this clove flower bud in the sun to make it

brown and hard, making it a spicy and tangy flavored spice.

Used in Asia for over 2,000 years for its medicinal
and culinary properties, cloves have become as popular as pepper since their arrival in Europe in the Middle Ages.

95% of global clove production goes to
Indonesian cigarette production, despite its popularity as a spice

This situation is partly explained by the fact that the clove tree is fragile, and its fruits are harvested only from
the eighth year of life and rarely blooms,
because the flower buds are harvested before the petals appear.

Growers then harvest the flower buds and dry them until they turn brown.

  • From stomach pain

By steeping 4 or 5 cloves in a large cup of
boiling water for about ten minutes, you can get a beneficial drink that helps fight various digestive problems,
especially stomach aches and bloating.

This clove infusion is easy to prepare and can be
used regularly to relieve indigestion.

  • Against bad breath

If you have bad breath after eating, sucking on a clove can help.

This spice is known to help freshen breath, in addition to providing dental health benefits.

In fact, cloves are often used in toothpastes and
mouthwashes for their antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Sucking on a clove after each meal can
help prevent dental problems and keep your breath fresh throughout the day.

  • It relieves toothache

Eugenol is a valuable antiseptic for dental problems and gum pain.

Franck Dubus, Ph.D., says that this substance affects peripheral opioid receptors, which are nerve endings involved in pain perception.

For toothache or gum pain using eugenol, an oil maceration or mother tincture is recommended in the mouthwash. These forms of use help reduce the risk of irritation.

However, if the pain is severe or persistent, it is important to consult a dentist to determine the cause of the problem and treat it properly.

  • Reduce muscle and rheumatic pain with massage

If you suffer from muscle, joint or rheumatic pain, you can try a pain-relieving massage oil based on cloves.

Cloves have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce pain. To prepare this oil, mix about 10 drops of clove essential oil with 30 ml of vegetable oil (jojoba or sweet almond).

Apply this preparation to painful areas three times a day while massaging. You should feel a reduction in pain within 48 hours.

  • Keep colds at bay with cloves

Clove essential oil can also help prevent winter infections such as flu and colds due to its antiviral and antibacterial properties   .

You can dilute 1-2 drops of clove essential oil in a teaspoon of olive oil and consume before meals.

You can also dissolve 1-2 drops of clove essential oil on a sugar cube and dissolve under the tongue before a meal.

Use this technique once to three times a day for up to a week to reap the benefits.

  • Soothe UTIs and Kidney Stones with Cloves

If you have a urinary tract infection or kidney stones, you can also use a clove infusion as explained earlier.

For greater effectiveness, you can add a drop (and no more) of lavender essential oil.

However, if you have a urinary tract infection, it is important to see your doctor for proper treatment.