
5 Things You Can Do With Basil Flowers: Don’t Throw Them Away

By liliaturcin5

Basil is an aromatic plant appreciated throughout the world for its distinctive fragrance and flavor, which enriches many dishes of Mediterranean and international cuisine  .

Almost always, when we talk about basil, we focus on the green leaves. However, what is often overlooked are its  flowers  , which can be just as precious and versatile. Here are five creative ways to get the most out of  basil flowers  :

1. Gastronomy and decoration of dishes

Basil flowers not only look beautiful, but they also add a unique touch of flavor to your dishes. They can be used to garnish salads, fresh pastas, starters and even desserts.

The flowers have a flavor similar to basil leaves, but more delicate, so they are perfect for light summer dishes. Add a touch of color and flavor to your culinary creations with these edible flowers.

2. Infusions and drinks

Basil flowers can be used to prepare aromatic infusions and teas. Simply add some flowers to hot water and let them steep for a few minutes. This results in a refreshing and lightly flavored drink, perfect for enjoying moments of relaxation.

You can also experiment by adding basil flowers to cocktails or soft drinks for a twist.

3. Aromatic oil

Preparing an aromatic basil oil is a great way to retain its unique flavor and aroma for longer periods of time. Fill a jar with extra virgin olive oil and add a few basil flowers.

Leave to macerate for a few weeks in a dark, cool place. The resulting oil will have a delicate basil flavor that can be used to season salads, grilled vegetables and more.

4. Fragrant essences

Basil flowers can be used to create homemade perfume essences. You can create a simple scent by placing basil flowers in a small bottle of distilled water and letting them steep.

This essence can be used as a personal perfume or as an air freshener. Let the fresh, herbaceous scent of basil flowers fill the air around you.

5. Natural remedies

Basil is known for its health benefits, and the flowers are no exception. You can prepare a herbal tea made from basil flowers to relieve minor ailments like indigestion or stress. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of basil may contribute to overall well-being.

However, it is important to remember that if you are using plants for medicinal purposes, it is best to consult a healthcare professional.

In conclusion,  basil flowers  are a true hidden treasure in the kitchen and beyond. Their beauty, delicate scent and unique flavor make them a versatile ingredient to use creatively.

From cooking to home cosmetics, basil flowers offer a range of possibilities worth exploring.

So the next time you grow your own basil, remember not to neglect its flowers and take full advantage of their potential.

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