
So Always Put a Clove of Garlic in the Toilet Before Going to Bed

By liliaturcin5

Household cleaning is an activity that not everyone likes, but it must still be practiced, because it allows you to have the right degree of hygiene inside a house. Among the domestic environments that require more attention is the bathroom, given that it is among the largest outbreaks of germs and bacteria. In this article we want to tell you about an interesting tip that will make your toilet more sanitized: it consists of putting a clove of garlic just inside the toilet bowl.

A tip that is currently being broadcast throughout the network and which, in just one week, has been seen by hundreds of thousands of people shows the need to put a clove of garlic in the toilet.

  • Garlic can have, as you may know, powerful effects.
  • Garlic is naturally antiseptic and anti-inflammatory, and it also contains a substance called allicin.
  • Allicin protects against parasites and bacteria, while naturally neutralizing fungi by changing the environment necessary for their development.
  • And according to this tip, garlic with beneficial effects should therefore be able to help get rid of bacteria in the toilet.

At night: This tip works and is very simple: you just need to put a peeled garlic clove in your toilet. It is best to do this at night, when you use the toilet less. Simply flush your toilet in the morning. If you do this twice a week, the garlic will help keep your toilet mold-free. However, be sure to continue cleaning your toilet as you usually do.