
Here’s how to clean dirty bed pillows to give them whiteness and a sweet aroma.

By liliaturcin5

Over time, our pillows may yellow and show stubborn stains. Even though they are protected by pillowcases, every night they are subjected to our body fluids (sweat) that pass through this fabric and can accumulate dust, grease, dead skin or mites. For allergy sufferers, having a clean pillow is particularly necessary for optimal comfort during the night. In this article, learn how to clean dirty pillows from your bed for a healthy night’s sleep and a restful night’s sleep.

Soft or firm pillows, feather pillows, polyester fiber or latex… Like duvets, sheets, mattresses or duvet covers, choosing your pillow allows you to enjoy optimal comfort during sleep. But in addition to the quality of the pillow, its cleanliness is essential. Indeed, the pillowcase is not enough to protect it from the dirt and yellowish stains related to the perspiration that we suffer every night. Here are some tips for cleaning pillows and restoring their natural whiteness.

How often should pillows be washed?

To prevent pillows from yellowing, they should be cleaned periodically with bleach. In fact, the yellowing of pillows is mainly due to the secretion of sweat or perspiration during sleep. These fluids create a climate conducive to the development of bacteria and mites. And for good reason, these pathogens like humid environments and can proliferate in bedding. But while some people throw away their pillows as soon as they see yellow stains appearing, others believe that pillowcases are enough to protect their health and prolong the life of their pillows. But in reality, they should be washed at least every 6 months. The duvet can be washed once a year.  If your pillows are machine washable, you can place two tennis balls in the drum to retain their shape.

What trick to clean and whiten pillows?

To disinfect your pillows and limit germs, there is a very effective grandmother’s trick.

Will need:

  • Sodium bicarbonate
  • Dirty clothes
  • lavender essential oil

To wash your pillows and make them white as new with this method, first make sure you can wash them in the washing machine by checking the label of your product. Then simply pour detergent into the detergent drawer and then add ½ cup of baking soda   and a few drops of lavender essential oil directly to the drum. Place two pillows in the washing machine and run a wash cycle.

How to maintain pillows?

To prolong the life of your pillows and prevent them from yellowing, you still need to take proper steps to maintain them. To do this, it is advisable to remove the pillowcases every morning and open the bedroom windows, making sure to expose the pillows to the sun. This simple gesture ventilates the bedroom and prevents excess humidity and the risk of mold   on the bedding. Additionally, if your pillows are dull, you can use a steam cleaner to revive their shine. Finally, before putting them in the washing machine, you can soak your pillows in a bowl full of lemon juice, white vinegar, or hydrogen peroxide to restore their previous whiteness.