
Why Eat 4 Cloves of Garlic a Day?

By liliaturcin5

Garlic has been used for several hundred years to treat various health problems. A very large number of studies have been carried out to better understand the active ingredients of garlic and their physiological effects.

In these studies, garlic is used in different forms: fresh, dehydrated, as well as in the form of an extract, oil or tincture. It should be noted that this sheet focuses solely on the effects of consuming fresh garlic (raw or cooked) as used in various food preparations.

According to research from Scotland’s University of Stirling, women consider men who eat garlic much more attractive. Why this ? The whole explanation lies in the perfumes expelled by the skin.

To carry out this study, the male volunteers were divided into three groups: the first consumed raw garlic, the second garlic capsules and the third nothing.

After playing sports, they were asked to wipe off their sweat on a towel. A set of women had to indicate attraction, masculinity and their liking for these men through their sweating.

According to the results, those who ate raw garlic had a more pleasant, masculine and attractive smell. The components spread on the armpits and this has a positive effect on intimate relationships.

The anti-bacterial action of garlic allows the armpits to spread a sweeter scent since it reduces the quantity of microorganisms that cause the typical bad odor, especially after sports.