
What to do against Constipation: Natural Solutions

By liliaturcin5

Constipation is an embarrassing painful condition, and usually to remedy it, our first instinct is to spring for a bottle of laxatives rather than seeing a healthcare professional or talking it over with a friend. Today, you no longer need to waste money on medications or suffer from this embarrassment any longer. The good news is that many of the natural ingredients you already have at home can help you cope with this challenge and allow you to return to your normal self.


Essential oils have been used in alternative medicine for thousands of years. They can help treat a wide range of conditions, including constipation.

Essential oils are not meant to be consumed as some can be toxic.

Ginger oil in massage

Ginger is commonly used to improve digestion, reduce nausea, and it can also help relieve constipation. It has stimulating effects that can increase gastric motility, prevent and treat constipation.

To relieve constipation with ginger oil, you can mix 3 to 5 drops of ginger oil with 30 grams of coconut oil and then use this preparation to massage the stomach.

Peppermint oil in massage

Peppermint essential oil contains antispasmodic properties, which can relax the muscles of the digestive tract, making the intestines more flexible. This can help relieve constipation.

One study found that peppermint oil helped relieve constipation in some people with irritable bowel syndrome.


A grandmother’s remedy par excellence, as we know, prunes are rich in fiber and renowned for their laxative power. How to integrate it into my diet?

1 handful of prunes per day. Eat plain as a snack or mixed with other dried fruits, nuts, in desserts, cut into pieces or rehydrated in dairy products or even in savory preparations, dishes with sauces or pastries.


Grapefruit and orange are natural laxatives and you can start the day off on the right foot by stocking up on vitamins. These fruits act on intestinal transit and will regulate evacuation to avoid constipation.

To benefit from all the vitamins contained in fruit, do not prepare your juice in advance and drink it as soon as you have prepared it.


Kefir is a fermented drink rich in bacteria and yeast that improves digestion and helps eliminate toxins. A true serum of youth, kefir is also used to strengthen the immune system, reduce blood pressure and reduce cholesterol levels.

For 1.5 liters of kefir:

  • 60 g kefir grains
  • 1.5 liters of spring water
  • 2 slices of lemon (or orange)
  • 3 tablespoons of powdered sugar
  • 2 dried figs

First stage :

Put all the ingredients in a large jar, which you then leave at room temperature so that the mixture ferments, without closing it airtight (gauze is enough to prevent access to midges).

Second step :

When the figs have risen to the surface (24 to 48 hours later), the kefir is ready! Remove the figs and lemon, strain the mixture, and pour your drink into a large glass bottle. Keep your drink cool and consume it within three days.

When pregnant, you can consume kefir as long as it is pasteurized. In other words, do not consume homemade kefir!

What are the causes of constipation? 

Constipation can be caused by a number of different factors, a number of which are described below.

The main cause is believed to be lack of fluids in the diet. The stools then become hard and small that the body struggles to expel. Lack of fiber has the same effect. What then happens is that the stools that the body cannot expel are held there where they dry out even more and then work their way back into the colon where they can cause a blockage.

Certain medications like painkillers and some cough medicines can cause constipation. Taking medical laxatives that relieve symptoms in the short term can actually increase the problem as the body becomes resistant to them over time.