
Easy Remedy to Eliminate Mites Naturally

By liliaturcin5

Mites a daily hunt Invisible to the naked eye, these tiny creatures of the spider family feed on our excretion (dead skin cells, remains of nails or hair, etc.) and live in our mattresses (reservoir number one) as well as box springs, sofas, clothing, stuffed animals, rugs, carpets, curtains, etc.

It is not difficult to combat dust mites. It is for this reason that we are going to show you below a homemade spray which is a very effective solution to eliminate them.


  • A bottle fitted with a sprayer
  • 100 milliliters of alcohol
  • 100 milliliters of water
  • Essential oils


  1. Start by pouring 100 ml of water into the bottle.
  2. Add 100 ml of alcohol, an ingredient that you can easily obtain in pharmacies.
  3. Then, add 12 drops of essential oils of your choice. If you wish, you can mix several flavors.
  4. Close the container and mix all the ingredients well.

It is recommended to keep your pets away when using this spray. After half an hour you can let them in again. Shake the sheets and blankets covering the mattress well, spray them and air for at least 15 minutes. Spray the mattress with this solution and let the mixture act for fifteen minutes

After this wait, you can make your bed again. It is recommended to adopt this gesture at least once a month. We also recommend washing the sheets once a week.

This spray can be applied in all rooms of your house and on all types of fabric. This way, you will disinfect curtains, carpets, armchairs, blankets, cushions and many other pieces of furniture.

Remember to leave the product on for at least fifteen minutes.